Your story has an interesting style

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Everything around me is colorful, I see many shades from many perspectives. Sometimes, I really doubt that all things that I see are real, I have no idea why. I don't really get how the World works and to fit in and follow all those rules is not my cup of tea. So what am I doing then? Nothing, just waiting for the moment, till the right path appears and I am finally gonna be able to follow. I know that this is the easiest way, how to get through the life, yet unfortunately, I am doing it anyway; consequently, I feel unfulfilled quite often. Running away and then regretting my decisions, doubting all things I've learned from life itself during those harder times. It all must have sense. But does it? Is it alright not to know? Well, I am not really sure, because when I have a look around me, people may seem a little unsatisfied, but they have never shared a reason for their feelings with me. And I am supposed to, because having all those questions, having no answers and not really be interested in the way i live isn't a very prosperous way how to walk through days.

Once a while, a mood appears, when I am unable to concentrate on things and I only think I am able to do is to write. Whatever comes to my mind, I have to write it down, usually in the poem,but sometimes I write stories as well. But a thing I hate is that they are dark. Not a lot of light appearing, I have a times, when I have hope and it's visible and also times during which I struggle with every single step and my mood is gloomier that I'd like it to be. A few week ago, I was supposed to learn about 30 pages for the History exam. I nearly always have very good marks and everyone around me expects this trend to continue. I had no motivation to study, no will and no energy. I've read the notes twice and then decided to write. We'd gotten a homework to write a story 3 pages long, about Christmas. I felt weird so the story,which I was writing for about 3 hours, or maybe more, came out weirdly as well. It'd been a group project kind of, but I did it on my own. Yes, we agreed on the topic with my friends, but all those pages full of uncertainty were my product. I was pretty proud, because the story mad sense, was woven together very originally. But many deep moments were applied there to the life of a poor turtle from cosmos. I decided to send it to my teacher anyway. I made a deep breath and clicked the "send" button.

My life has continued, obviously, and I forgot that I have produced something like that. Yesterday, in the evening, came a message to me. It was from my teacher.  Thank you for your homework, your story has an interesting style. I got the highest mark for this homework, but started deeply thinking about the meaning of her comment. What's an interesting style? Is it a praise or is she thinking that I might have gone bananas and she doesn't know what to answer? I am not really sure if this is a good idea. If it's a good idea to put that much feelings into my schoolwork. I should rather stay incognito.

I feel like I am weird, not normal, attention seeker and so on. But about being weird, my teacher once said: "You aren't weird, you are just a limited edition."

And that's how I am gonna end this pointless talking/writing today. Still having a tiny little piece of hope.

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