two ♤

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The castle finally came into view. It was simply spectacular. Merla enjoyed the lights and view infront of her as best she could. She was shivering to death (exaggeration).

"I'd bet the sorting ceremony 'as began." The half giant Hagrid spoke to himself. "You lot sure you don't need to see madam Pomfrey?"

None of them knew who that was, but the fear of missing out their first night at Hogwarts was overwhelming.

Cedric spoke for the girls. "We will be fine." Even though they were all shivering down to the bone.

"Right. Almost there now." Merla barely heard Hagrid speak. She rubbed her arms up and down to keep her body warm until they reached the docs.

Hagrid lifted Enid out of the boat first, then Cedric climbed out after her to help Merla and Kara out.

"Thanks." Kara smiled at the boy. Merla pushed past the two, grabbing Enid and rushing them up the steps.

The warmth of the castle was a blessing. They really should reconsider how the first years get to the castle. It seemed way too risky to send hundreds of first years to a castle on paddle boats with only one supervisor.

Hagrid quickly caught up with the four and led them to the main hall, he tried to explain all he could while the first years trailed behind him.

"Right. This is where I leave you." Hagrid gave a slight smile to the four before turning down another corridor and disappearing.

"Should we go in?" Kara questioned.

Enid shrugged. "I mean, I would assume."

"What if we go in, and no one is there. Or worse- everyone is there and they stare at us."

Merla rolled her eyes at Cedric. "Just step aside." Reaching for the door, Merla stepped forward with confidence. The other three trudged behind not so confident.

Four rows of long tables held hundreds of students each. And each of them turned to see who arrived late. Perhaps they were let down when they only saw four first years walking instead of someone important.

Or perhaps they were confused why they were all drenched head to toe. The sounds of their wet footsteps was all that was heard as they marched through the hall. They stared in amazement at the open roof.

"Students?" A professor wearing a dark green gown gasped as she saw the four. She stood next to a stool, holding a dusty old hat. "What on Earth happened to you four?"

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