eleven ♤

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The Slytherins Quiditch team were walking together towards the great hall for breakfast. They had a early morning flying practice, just to warm up and fight the nerves off. Terrence Higgs especially was nervous.

"What if I can't catch the snitch?" He wiped his sweaty palms on his Quiditch uniform.

Duri placed his right hand on Terrences shoulder. "Relax. You're no good to the team if you're all nervous and can't focus out there."

"Besides. If you can't catch the snitch hold off the other seeker so we have enough time to get a good lead." Enid roller her wrists out. "Can't wait to send those Gryffindors flying off their brooms."

Merla winced, not forgetting how her game against Hufflepuff ended last year. "Just try not to get knocked off your brooms yourselves."

They walked in through the great hall doors. A few classmates turned to look at who entered. They began whispering about their predictions on the game. The Slytherins obviously knew they would win. With a captain like Merla, no way they would lose.

"Look. Potters got a new broom." Zaid nodded towards the Gryffindor table where students swormed potter to see the new shiny broom.

The Slytherins began instinctively walking towards Gryffindor table, even though both Duri and Merla had the Nimbus 2000, they were still intrigued. The Gryffindors parted as the Slytherins arrived.

"Shiny new broom, Potter?" Harry looked up at the sound of Merlas voice. He gripped the broom tightly, afraid she would try to snap it in half. She raised her own broom. "Looks like we're twins." She smiled softly at him but he frowned accusingly.

Oliver Wood, the captain and keeper for Gryffindors team stepped forward. "Did you need something, Malfoy? Or are you just here to terrorize the first year?"

Merla crossed her arms. "If I remember correctly you guys terrorized me last year." Wood looked confused, but one look at the Weasley twins cleared it up. "But no. We just came to see what the fuss was about." She looked down to Harry. "Hope you don't break a bone on your shiny new broom."


"I'm really nervous." Ray jumped up and down to shake off his nerves. "Think I'm gonna puke actually."

Zaid forced him to stop moving around. "You're fine." He mounted his broom, the others following. "Just remembered, we have the advantage. You lose control you lose the game."

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