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warnings: mentions of torture blood death Yada Yada yknow the vibes

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warnings: mentions of torture blood death Yada Yada yknow the vibes


When Merla woke up the next day, it was already half past noon. Her body felt significantly less fragile and her head didn't bother her as much as it did the day before. "You're awake."

Turning to her right, Merla expected to see Hermione sitting next to her. Instead it was a slightly older woman offering her a soft smile. "Unfortunately." And she meant it. While her body wasn't in excruciating pain, her head still felt like it was about to spin right off her neck.

The woman smiled at Merla. "Glad to see you still have some of that infamous humor I always hear about." Merla furrowed her eyebrows. "Right, I should introduce myself. My name is Nymphadora Tonks, but please just call me Tonks. I'm an Auror and I've been assigned to protect you."

"Brilliant. I assume that was you the other day, fighting the death eaters?"

Tonks nodded. "Of course, myself and a few other members of the phoenix. We're apart of the Order of the Phoenix. Basically... we're here to stop whatever the dark lord plans to do."

Merla nodded her head slowly. "How long do I have to stay here? No offence but this bed is probably more uncomfortable than the chair I've slept in the last few weeks. This isn't like a permanent ordeal is it?"

"I'm afraid so." Tonks went to place a comforting hand on Merla's, but the girl hastily pulled it away. "Right. Sorry. I have a few questions to ask you, but if you're uncomfortable answering them at this time we can come back to the topic at a later time."

"I've got nothing better to do." Merla grumbled, sitting up so she wouldn't be so vulnerable around this stranger. But something about her made Merla feel safe. 

Tonks started off asking Merla what she recalled from the night of the third task. What happened in the graveyard, to Duri... And especially what had made Merla go temporarily insane to attack Harry and half the damn professors at Hogwarts.

If Merla had to guess, it was the dark magic that Voldemort had injected into her to harvest. Then, Tonks asked her how she came to find herself in the cellar. When Merla couldn't recall, Tonks found herself thinking of the letter she read the night prior.

Her parents must have sold her out. Tonks went on to ask Merla what events concurred between the time she woke up restrained and to the time where the Aurors and the Order showed up to save her.

Just as the two wrapped up their conversation, there was knock on the door. "Come in." Tonks turned to see Hermione balancing a tray of food for Merla.

"Thought I would bring you up some food." She smiled at Merla. The Malfoy's mouth watered at the sight. 

Her slim hands reached up and took the tray for Hermione. She muttered a quite thank you before shoving her face full of pasta. Tonks stood up and excused herself, off to report Merla's side of the story to her higher ups.

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