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Merla and Duri, under the instructions of the head boy and girl, were patrolling the corridor's. 

Although curfew was still not for another ten minutes. They wandered around to make sure no first years ended up lost. "Are you going to enter the Triwizard cup?" Duri asked as they strolled towards the library.

"Of course." Merla pushed her glasses back up her nose. "Why would I not? Seems like fun. Plus, no Quidditch this year. What else would I do?" She looked towards her friend, "and you? Are you joining?"

He shook his head. "Absolutely not. There's a death toll for these games. Plus my parents would murder me if they knew I even thought about it."

Merla nodded. "I get it. Good thing my parents don't care about me."

"Don't say that. I'm sure they do."

Merla's tired eyes rolled to the back of her skull. "Sure thing."

The two entered the library. "Get to your common rooms." Duri waved towards a group of second year Ravenclaws. They hurriedly stood up and ran out of the library.

He was no where near as nice as the Hufflepuff prefects they ran into last week when they were out past curfew. 

Merla laughed at the sight as she round the corner. There, sleeping next to a window was Hermione Granger. Duri ran off to chase a couple of first years who were playing tag near the restricted section.

Hermione grumbled as a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Hmm?" 

"Wake up." Merla whispered softly. 

"Five more minutes." Hermione turned her head to the left and rested her head against her elbows.

Merla laughed. "Five more minutes and you'll be out past curfew." 

That caught Hermione's attention. Her eyes snapped open and looked towards the clock on the wall. "Crap."

The bushy haired girl quickly began to gather her things. Merla crossed her arms and leant against the table across from Hermione. "This is entertaining." 

Just to add fuel to the fire, Hermione dropped her pencil pouch. All the pens and quills spilt out across the floor.

"Merla." Duri round the corner, a first year being pulled by their hoods on each hand. "I'm taking these two to Snape. I'll meet you at the Astronomy tour later?" 

"Sure." Merla nodded. She crouched down and began helping Hermione clean up her stuff. "You can relax."

Hermione huffed. "No, I can't. I'll get in trouble. Out past curfew! Oh God, I hope they don't expel me."

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