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warnings: blood, fighting, torture, mentions of death

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warnings: blood, fighting, torture, mentions of death


Weeks had gone by since Merla and Duri have been held captive. They still hadn't been able to deduce where exactly they were. Were they even in England anymore? There was no window in the cell, no exits except for the main entrance.

There had been times where Merla and Duri were convinced the Death Eaters had gone and forgot about them. Then, a few Death Eaters would storm the room and would hold Merla down as they drew blood.

It was exhausting. She couldn't remember the amount of times they had drew blood from her. Just that they would wait for her to rest and be healthy enough before they stormed down there and harmed her again. Duri was starting to go insane. He couldn't take watching Merla be hurt much longer.

"Stop moving." A burly voice brought Merla out of her daze. She blinked her eyes and focused on the men around her. She hadn't even heard them come inside.

Stop moving? Merla mulled it over, then began twisting and turning in her seat. The Death Eater cursed her out. "You little-"

A large explosion was heard from above, dust fell from the roof and over Merla's eyes. A small smile formed its way onto her lips as she heard shouts from above. Aurors.

"Finally." She mustered all of her strength and tilted her head back, then forward and clashed it against the Death Eaters. He fell to the floor and clutched his head.

"Are you insane?!" Duri shouted at his friend. She stared back at him with a devilish look in her eyes. She shrugged her shoulders and turned to watch the other Death Eater turn to her with his wand drawn.

He pointed it at her- but before a spell could spill out of his mouth there was an explosion at the entrance of the cellar. Rubble flew through the room and amidst the chaos the Death Eater was thrown against the wall.

His wand went flying out of his hand and across the room. The dust filled the small cellar making it basically impossible to see. Spells were thrown left and right by Death Eaters and Auror's. Both sides were focused on their one goal. "Get Merla!"

"Protego!" A Death Eater shouted seconds before being hit with stupefy. The spell reflected off his protective charm and instead landed on Merla.

She cried out as her chair was thrown across the room. Her back landed on the hard stone wall then to the floor. She rolled over and tucked herself away in the corner of the cellar. To her left was a lost wand. Her head was spinning, but still she had a way out now.

Reaching for it, she felt a surge of power rush into her hands. She used the wand to unleash herself from the chains, then she turned and did the same for Duri. He scrambled out of his seat and crawled under any loose spells and stuns to get to Merla.

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