nine ♤

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The Slytherins sat around during breakfast. Casually talking about classes and what not. Merla fiddled with the silver ring on her left pointer finger the green gem shining brightly.

Enid rambled on and on to her right about how she wanted to try out for the Quiditch team. Zaid agreed, saying the two of them could be perfect beaters together. Lori was... sleeping. Her hair was falling into her oatmeal and Merla didn't know if she should help her or not.

Duri kicked her from under the table. She glanced up at looked at him while rubbing her shin. 'You know what we could do with these rings?' His voice echoed in her head.

She shrugged. 'What?'

'We could win the bloody house cup. If we knew what the enemy team was thinking in a game, we could be ten steps ahead at all times.'

Merla looked around the Slytherin table. 'Which of these idiots would you even trust with these rings?'

Duri looked around. The Slytherins Quiditch team was currently barren. Besides Merla as the keeper. There was only a forth year chaser. The rest graduated last summer.

'Guess you should run try outs.'

Merla rubbed her eyebrows. The forth year chaser, Brenna was a total bimbo. She didn't have the guts or brains to be captain. She excused herself to the group, motioning for Duri to follow her.

The two made there way out of the great hall, greeting Cedric as he quietly put blue berries into a Kara's hair. She was slumped onto the table, drool trickling out of her mouth.

"Where we going?" Duri asked Merla.

She shook her head. "Set up Quiditch try outs."


This certainly was a crowd. Merla looked around with her hands on her hips. Brenna had officially quit the team, leaving Merla with an entire roster to fill. Almost 2 dozen people showed up for try outs.

Duri, Zaid and Enid showed up. Along with a few third years and forth years. Draco wanted to try out but Merla made it absolutely clear that he wasn't going to make the team unless he was the best of the best. So he didn't show up.

Merla glanced through the line that formed. She wrote down everyone's names and what position everyone was trying out for. Only one boy came to try out for seeker. It was going to be hard to chose chasers, nearly everyone trying out was here for that position. Besides Enid and Zaid only one other girl came to try out for beater.

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