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We know that Aisha already found someone who has the same hobbies as herself, and that is her friend Lady Y/N, a person whom she really adores and admires, just like her sister Aida.

To the point where the twin begins to treat her as one of them. But when she found another one, she couldn't help but remember the book in which she always checks to see if the cypress left her a note.

She calls it cypress, as she found the note there.

She also learned the word "reincarnated" and what it meant. Thus, once she learned it, she didn't hide the fact that it interested her. Though she was kind of disappointed when she learned that the owner (Cypress) who left the note didn't answer her last question.

The last question was:

"Guide me? To what? Where? I'm confused. Is something going to happen? How do you intend for me to change history?

I need an answer. Give me some hints.

What is your purpose?

"Just who are you?"

This is her last question, and until now, she didn't receive any answers. Even though she had already accepted that the owner might have gone and the note was merely a forgotten one or that someone was playing a prank on her,

But based on the seriousness of the handwritten letter and its riddle words It doesn't look like it. and her hope is still there, waiting for an answer.

She thought today might be the day, as her last note was missing, only to sigh in disappointment when she didn't find any. But she did discover something new, which is the first note she left. that someone wrote on it.

She was excited as she thought it belonged to Cypress. only to tilt her head once she read it; moreover, it's not the Cypress handwritten, but whoever this is, it leaves her with something that will make her look for something new, or maybe she can still stick to Cypress notes.

Aisha was about to stand up and give some feedback to the person who wrote in her note. only for her to halt because, right there, just at the place where she took the book out, a letter seemingly sat, waiting to be read.

Aisha didn't hesitate and grabbed it, and as she took it out, one thing she noticed first was that the ink was still fresh, which means the person who wrote it is still at the manor, roaming the place freely.

Not only that, but the letter she has been waiting for is the one she's now holding, and as she reads it, she can't help but smile.

As her question had finally gotten an answer.

In the letter:

"As my departure is almost upon me, I want to help before I leave."

It's a little selfish of me, but I have to do it because someone else is waiting for me, just as you did for my response.

I'll give you a hint as you ask but not precise.

The roses are red and the violet is blue; something bad will happen in the near future, but do not fear; you can prevent it.

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