The Archer Servant

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Silence descends on us, and all I can hear is my pumping pulse in my ears as the remnants of adrenaline still rush around in my veins. I realize I'm sitting on the floor with my back against the wall and my gaze fixed on the strange young guy in front of me. Our gazes are indistinguishable, and I almost feel like a prisoner in his ruby red eyes. His eyes are beautiful, yet also scary - very scary, and I feel how it runs cold down my spine.

He looks at me like I'm his prey — and he's a big, mighty lion. I see how the guy in front of me frowns at me, his gaze stern and hard, mercilessly. My heart skips a single beat as he bends over, not taking his red eyes off mine. He then grabs my chin tightly and forces my face directly at his, staring me even deeper into my eyes - in such a way that I almost feel grossly offended.

As if he can see directly through me - as if he can see my deepest, darkest secrets. "I asked you something, sissy," he says seriously, his facial features showing anything but patience, since I have yet to answer his question. I try, but my words stick in my throat and I have no idea what to do. I'm paralyzed by shock, and the grip on my chin is getting tighter and tighter.

The cold, golden metal on his combat glove slowly makes me realize that this is reality - I don't dream, even though everything is so unreal. I gasp in horror when I realize that the man with the hoodie is still here; I can faintly skim his face behind the shadow of his hood - he stands and watches in utter horror with his gaze on the strange guy who seems a little too preoccupied with me.

"I-It... It's a Servant," says the man terrified, and he seems to be trying to pull himself together in a pitiful attempt to hide the obvious horror that I can easily see in his dark eyes.

Servant? What is a Servant?

"It won't help anything! I'm winning this war!" the man exclaims loudly, and my eyes get big - he sends his shadows at me again, but this time they are after the guy in the golden armor. It turns out to be a very bad idea. He immediately straightens up and turns to the man with the coldest, meanest expression on his face I've ever seen. His eyes look like someone who can impale anyone who dares to defy him.

"Idiot!... Who gave you permission to speak?" the guy says sternly, his voice so incredibly unique and attractive that it is worthy of only a king. "How dare you interrupt me!" His voice reverberates throughout the library of anger.

His tone of voice is commanding in such a way that even I feel scared - my heart is pounding away and I feel my body begin to shake slightly. The man with the hood falls backwards in fright and tries backwards to crawl away from the guy with the golden hair, who just steps closer and closer, slowly and threateningly. He is incredibly confident in his movements, perhaps a little too confident even - he moves as if this world revolves around him. 

"You're nothing but a slimy worm," the guy continues to speak, in the same, cold, merciless tone - all the while I dare not move, but am just as caught up in what is unfolding in front of me.

"Worms like you should lie in the dirt under my feet, crawl helplessly on my stomach..." My eyes slowly grow wide as I watch the guy with the golden hair pull a beautiful, unique sword out of a golden circle in the clean air - before he finishes his sentence; "... And die!"

I open my mouth to scream anything - anything, but nothing comes out. I have to sit and watch as a helpless young man is beheaded in front of my eyes.

Brutal, merciless, and without the guy with the sword pulling a single mine. "You're not worthy of looking at me," the guy hisses low, then swings his sword one more time to hurl the excess blood off it, forming an almost perfect red line on the nearest bookshelf.

I hold my mouth with my eyes as fixed on the sight in front of me. Tears roll down my cheeks as my breathing becomes uncontrollable - I can feel my heart pounding in fright and my head feels light and befuddled. The pulse resounds overwhelmingly in my ears and the headache begins to intrude. The powerful stench of blood hovers around my nostrils. It triggers a sour reflux and the sour taste of stomach acid is immediately in my mouth.

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