The New Ally

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I'm not quite sure what's going on. Her red-haired girl, Amaya Maki, is still standing in front of me, along with her Servant; Saber. With no idea whether this strange girl is my friend or enemy, I am happy that Gilgamesh is by my side to protect me, even though I still feel quite furious with him after what he subjected me to in the auditorium.

"Tell me, Rin Loveless," Amaya Maki says in her humming tone, all the while smiling sweetly, as if we weren't just having a minor fight against each other, "What's your desire if you win the Grail?"

"Huh?" I mumble in a low voice, frowning my eyebrows slightly. I don't see why she should know, so it annoys me a bit that she asks - especially since I have no desire, something that I don't want to admit.

"You see, Rin," Amaya continues when she quickly discovers that I'm not going to answer her question, "Your answer will determine whether I let you live or not."

As those same words leave her mouth, I back a small step backwards and nervously bite my lower lip. She explained that she was a Warrior of Justice, whatever that means, so I briefly wondered if she just didn't want the Grail to fall into the hands of the wrong person, kind of like me?

"I have no desire," I finally admit, letting my gaze wander away from her for a brief second, then forcing myself to focus on her again in case she ever attacks me.

"Oh? It's unusual," Amaya sighs, crossing her arms, "Ah, I was hoping that a mate with such a strong Servant had an interesting reason to join the war." I realize that she is not directly talking to me, but rather to herself, as if thinking out loud. She doesn't even look in my direction anymore, and for a brief second I wonder if I should go Gilgamesh to attack - but even though Amaya has lowered her guard, her Saber is still keeping a close eye on us, so an attack wouldn't possibly go straight through.

"Tell me, Amaya," I say in a low voice, crossing my arms as my gaze becomes more serious, "Where do you know my name from?" Amaya looks at me once more and giggles quite low, "I've been watching you for a few days now, Rin," she explains as she runs one hand through her red locks, "Ever since you first visited the church, I've known you were a Master - an untrained one, even... Extremely interesting!"

"That's right," I quickly admit, "I had no idea I was a magician until Archer stood in front of me, and even then I had a hard time believing my eyes and ears." There is a simple little sigh coming from my lips.

"Hm, I understand," the red-haired girl says thoughtfully, "Well, it doesn't exactly look like you have any evil in mind, so I'll let you go, for now."

"Eh?" I mumble, raising a single eyebrow, though I have to admit that I'm just slightly grateful that I'm not forced to fight anyone, hurt someone, or even risk being killed if I don't.

"Tch, waste of time," Gilgamesh says in a low tone in a rather furious tone. He is obviously very unhappy with the outcome of this match and I most of all want to throw one of my shoes at his head. I feel a bit stepped on; I have a Servant who doesn't take me seriously, and an opponent who doesn't even see me as a threat, and therefore lets me go out of pure pity.

"Saber, let's go," Amaya says, glancing at her Servant, who immediately turns to her and kneels — as a real knight would, with his face fixed on the ground. He, on the other hand, does not say a single word, but disappears in the same cloud of silver dust that he had come. Saber hasn't actually said anything at all since he arrived, unlike Gilgamesh, who is quite cocky.

Amaya turns to leave the roof of the university as if nothing has happened, but then I immediately decide to open my mouth to stop her.

"Wait!" I exclaim, startling both Amaya, as well as Gilgamesh, who is now both staring at me with surprised looks.

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