Legendary Heroes

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I stuff a chocolate cookie in my mouth — one of those that Kekirie had brought with him — before opening a new book; one that I borrowed from the library. This time it's Homer's Iliad I'm opening, although I'm getting pretty confident that I'll be writing about Alexander the Great — also known as Iskandar, the Conqueror. He was king of Macedonia, and created the greatest empire of antiquity through his conquests. He was undefeated, and is considered one of the greatest military minds in history.

I let my gaze rest on Kekirie for a few seconds. She's engrossed in her own book, and I can't help but smile a little bit. Kekirie goes to the same university as I do, and has asked me for help with her assignment - it's the same assignment as mine, but we just have to write about two different legendary heroes.

I haven't quite chosen mine yet, but Kekirie writes about Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, a hero of Irish mythology. It came as a matter of course that Kekirie chose to write about him, as he was the victim of a curse that made all the women who looked at him fall in love. He had to be incredibly beautiful and have a beauty spot on his face which was the reason for the curse. What a curse - I'd really like to get a little part of it...

"Whoa, then... Diarmuid slept with a young woman, who was the personification of youth, who subsequently gave him his beauty spot that would enchant all the women around him..." Kekirie thinks out loud as she raises an eyebrow, "That sounds right... Cool."

"Yes, it does," I sigh lowly, leaning back to sit with my back against my bed. We sit on the floor in the middle of my living room - and bedroom, since my apartment is a one bedroom apartment. Kekirie has long since settled into my couch, where she sits and curls with the leftovers from her bag of cookies. Kekirie is a very energetic girl who loves sugar and sweets. She is not someone you want to have as your enemy, as she has very few inhibitions that hold her back.

In terms of appearance, she has very light, flawless skin, and incredibly long hair with a purple tinge. Her eyes are, as I said, as blue as the sea itself, and her smile is one of the prettiest in the world, and can make even the rain clouds pull away.

"Aah, I really don't know if I should write about Alexander the Great! I just think so many others are doing it," I sigh deeply and grab my head. We have learned about Alexander the Great in our classes, so it is almost a matter of course that many of my class intend to write about him, as they already have some background information about him.

I just really want to write about a legend that no one else does.

"Hm? Well, what other books have you borrowed, Rin?" asks Kekirie. She suddenly gets an irritated look on her face when she realizes that she has no more cookies in her bag.

"Ah," I sigh deeply and close my book together, then hand her my half-full bag - which she gladly accepts, "As I said, I have also borrowed literature about Cú Chulainn, but he does not interest me too much. Moreover, we have also learned about him in class."

"Do you know anyone else you can write about?" asks Kekirie, who now has her full attention focused on me, her mouth clogged with cookies, of course.

"I think I should think about it for a bit," I say with a small smile, "It's getting late, maybe I should sleep on it?" I let my gaze drift over the small pile of books lying by my side. Some of the books are mine, while the rest are Kekiries - she had no idea what to write about at first, so she borrowed half the bookshelf about ancient writings.

"Do you think I can borrow the books you don't need? Just for tomorrow?" I ask cautiously, "Since you're already determined to write about Diarmuid."

"Of course!" says Kekirie with a big smile, "You can borrow them as crazy as you like! As long as I don't get a library bill, because I'll be liable for it!"

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