Enkidu: Enki's Creation

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I look at Gilgamesh out of the corner of my eye as I stand and set my hair so I can get ready for bed. He's lying on my couch, bare-chested, with one arm over his bandages, as he seems to be in pain - though not as much as before.

"Gil, are you coping?" I ask gently and walk up to him, then kneel by the couch so I get down to his height, "Is there anything I can do?" My voice is filled with concern, something that I actually show quite often, though rarely to Gilgamesh, as he has not earned it.

I'm usually a very caring person, although you might not think so because I have a bit of a hard shell.

"Tch, I'm fine..." he mutters low, not looking at me as his eyes are closed quite tightly, "Just leave me alone." His closed eyes make me notice his rather long, brown eyelashes, which bend perfectly at the end of his eyelids. It's completely unreasonable how beautiful he really is in terms of his attitude.

"Whoa, so much for being worried," I mumble low, frowning my eyebrows slightly in annoyance that he won't just admit that he's actually hurting. I get up immediately afterwards, to go to bed, as it's getting late, and I'm quite tired after meeting Berserker - and then arguing with Gilgamesh.

"Good night, Gil," I mutter low before crawling into bed, completely exhausted. Gilgamesh doesn't answer me, but it doesn't matter to me, he's in pain, even if he doesn't want to admit it himself - he's something for himself, and I don't know yet whether I like him or not.

He's threatened to kill me a few times, though, so I guess I should hate him quite strongly - but then again, he's spared me too, so surely there must be something good in him? If I just knew something more about him, if I just knew things about him that you can't read in his story - then everything might be so much easier.

I sigh lightly before slowly letting sleep take over and I float into dreamland, with a strange, tickling sensation in my head that I've never had before... I gasp in horror as I open my eyes again shortly after, and realize that I'm in a completely foreign place.

It's hot, incredibly hot, but it's not exactly an uncomfortable heat, it's now very nice, but so foreign to me.

"What's going on?" I ask in a low voice as I remember lying in my own bed just a few seconds ago. I'm even still wearing my nightwear - my lace blouse and the matching shorts that I always sleep in. My hair is also still up the same way as before I go to bed, "Where am I?"

I look around and realize that I'm up on a small mountain, overlooking the landscape around me. There is lush nature, rivers, other mountains and rocks, as well as sandy areas - there is a little of everything, and to be honest, it is incredibly beautiful.

The sun shines down over the landscape, making the rivers look like sapphires glistening and shining in the beautiful light, and my gaze is as if trapped. I hear birdsong from all around me, as if it's all like something out of a fairy tale book. 

If this is an adventure, what kind is it?

My gaze lands on something that is down among the many rivers, though some distance away; It looks like a city - no, rather a kingdom! It's an ancient kingdom and I've never seen anything like it. There are thousands of houses and buildings built and carved in stone, as well as a large wall that encircles it all, protecting the kingdom from enemies and outsiders.

Mine inside the kingdom, there is a big tower, it almost looks like it, but I think it must be this city's answer to the palace where their ruler resides. I suddenly think it all seems familiar, like something I've read about in a book, and the palace in the middle is what makes the puzzle pieces fall into place

"It's Babylon," I hear myself say as I've just realized it. The kingdom is beautiful, more beautiful than I ever would have thought it was. The whole city is intact, unlike the pictures in the books I've read, which just show the ruins left behind, "It's beautiful..."

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