Chief of Sinners, Chief of Sufferers

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"Ugh, Gilgamesh! I got it! I can walk on my own!" I exclaim, starting to flail my legs now, after Gilgamesh has walked with me over his shoulder for the last ten minutes, and gotten quite a few glances from passing people - besides, the evening wind is quite cold against my bare thighs.

"Tch, fine," Gilgamesh says, and simply lets me slide off his shoulder- head first, causing me to land quite painfully on the sidewalk.

"Ow! What happened to the caring Gil from inside the bar?!" I ask as I've sat up and straightened my hair after it collided with the ground beneath me.

"Oh, tell me, did you actually like how I treated you inside the bar?" asks Gilgamesh with a wry smile, as I stand up and brush my skirt clean of dirt and grime.

"O-Of course not!" I immediately exclaim, looking up at him, into his red eyes, which just stare back at me with seriousness and seriousness that stands out of them like little flames. I knew it had all just been pure acting, because Gilgamesh could never be so caring, and actually mean it.

He was a cold, merciless tyrant, that was also what I could deduce from his tale; The Epic of Gilgamesh.

"Why did you pick me up from my work at all, Gil?" I ask again, since I don't remember him giving me an answer to that question yet, and since I'm pretty sure my boss is furious with me, I demand an answer - and it just has to be good! Gilgamesh gives me a serious look, as if I can find the answer to my question myself.

Silence then descends on us as I slowly realize that it is completely empty of people who had swarmed the streets a few minutes ago. The cold breeze gives me chills, and I have to put my arms around myself to keep warm in this thin, short uniform.

The silence is broken by the sound of some quiet, precise and elegant steps.

"The reason I picked you up," Gilgamesh murmurs in a low voice when I realize he's looking away from me and toward the other end of the street, where a figure is walking, slowly. "Is him."

"Oh my," I hear a strange voice say as I turn and look at the figure Gilgamesh has aimed his red eyes at, with a not-so-nice look in them.

As the figure draws closer, it turns out that it is a young man - a guy - with a rather slender body. He's not very tall either, probably about my own height. He is wearing elegant clothes reminiscent of something from the late 1800s; a fine white shirt, an olive green vest and a black and grey blazer jacket hanging over his shoulders, fluttering quietly in the cold evening wind.

In addition, he has a nice, black and white neckcloth to hang from his shirt collar - with a nice, red jewel in the middle of its knot. He is wearing a pair of black, fine trousers, and his hands are covered with a pair of short, thin leather gloves.

His gaze is directed directly at me, and I almost gasp at the sight of his beautiful, turquoise eyes, which almost glow in the dead of night, in a rather intimidating way - these are certainly not the eyes of a normal person.

His hair is blond but less golden than Gilgamesh's, and falls beautifully, framing his pale face.

"What do we have here?", he says with a warm smile when he stops, about ten feet away from me and Gilgamesh, "I thought I could feel your presence, Miss.

They have an extremely interesting form of mana." I feel the fear slowly spreading through my body, and I instinctively back a few steps backwards, away from the guy who I'm pretty sure means trouble, especially since it seems like he's the one Gilgamesh has been trying to keep me away from.

"Who are you?" I ask, defensive, even though I'm well aware that I can't do much because I have virtually no knowledge of magic. Whatsoever. Amaya has not yet found time to teach me anything, although she has promised to do so as soon as possible.

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