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Blood slowly drips onto the cold, dark asphalt beneath Gilgamesh's feet, holding back a painful moan.

He grabs his side, right by his waist, where he has been hit by Berserker's attack - where his flesh has been cut, as easily as nothing, by a short but deadly blade, from Berserker's knife.

I hold myself to keep my mouth shut so as not to scream anymore, so as not to attract attention, but the sight in front of me makes my heart pound in fear.

My knees are shaking, and if it wasn't for the adrenaline in my veins, I probably would have fainted by now. "Tch, you filthy cow," Gilgamesh murmurs furiously as he breathes heavily in an attempt to hold back the pain in his open, deep wounds, "You're going to regret that..."

I immediately turn my gaze to Berserker, who has now pulled away, and once again stands ten feet away from Gilgamesh and I, all the while he stands and throws his knife up and down in the air, and grabs it with ease every time, "I'm sorry, Archer, but I have to follow my Master's order, you see..." Berserker says with an apologetic look in his eyes, almost as if he doesn't want to do this.

"A-Archer," I stammered gently, taking a small step toward Gilgamesh, out of sheer concern. "Stay back!" he exclaims immediately, without looking at me, "I can take care of this nuisance!"

I remain standing, do as Gilgamesh says, even though I feel I must do something – however, I am incapable of anything because I am an inept Master who has virtually no knowledge of magic, including the use of the same.

"I wish I could stay and entertain you further," Berserker says, prompting me and Gilgamesh to direct both our gazes at him once more, "But unfortunately, my Master has forbidden me to continue the fight... I've collected the information I came for."

He bows deeply to us, out of pure respect, I guess, and then he turns on his heel. "How dare you withdraw from a fight!" protests Gilgamesh in anger, even though he is unable to fight a fair battle in his condition. He can barely stand upright.

"I don't understand why my Master is so interested in you, Miss Rin," Berserker says, without looking back at us, "but I hope to find out the next time we meet."

"Come back, you coward!" shouts Gilgamesh at him, but then immediately falls to his knees as he grit his teeth so as not to ache over his deep wound.

"You are strong, Archer, and therefore it would mean my certain death if I stayed and continued the fight, without using my Noble Phantasm, even in your state," I hear Berserker say as he is leaving, but look over our shoulder, "But I swear, for the sake of my Master, that I will make you pay for your greatest sin, traitor."

Berserker's gaze becomes serious, angry even, for a single second before he evaporates into his spiritual form, in a small flash of grayish dust.

"How daring--... Hng!" Gilgamesh is unable to say anything more as he tries to keep the pain at bay by pressing his wound in an attempt to get it to stop bleeding.

However, the blood continues to stand out, between his fingers, painting his fair skin red - the same color as his intimidating eyes, which right now show pure rage.

"Gilgamesh," I say in low concern as I run up to his side, "Gilgamesh, you need help, immediately!" "Tch, I could easily heal myself," he murmurs low, but finds trouble getting the words out of his mouth and frowns, "If only I could get more mana from you, but it's clearly not possible yet..."

"D-... I'm sorry," I say gently, not knowing what to do. I want to help him, but there's nothing I can do.

"Look at my wounds as soon as we're back in your apartment," he murmurs, letting a low, tender moan leave his lips, "Berserker's life... Is gone... For now..."

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