Human Needs

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It's getting a bit dim outside - the sun is setting, and I realize that I've had Archer by my side for a whole day now. I walk down the street, on my way home to my apartment, with Archer by my side in his brand new clothes. He attracts few - not to say many - glances from transient, young girls, as well as older ladies. Archer is, after all, incredibly attractive, even though his personality is reminiscent of the reflection of a lukewarm dog poop.

"Archer," I say when something suddenly dawns on me and I turn my gaze to him, "You didn't eat anything at all yesterday... Don't you eat servants at all? You didn't sleep either, as far as I know."

"Tch, we do not have the same needs as you mortals. After all, I'm no ordinary person," Archer says without giving me a single glance, "We can eat as well as drink, but it's not necessary. We live by your mana."

"Huh," I murmur quietly, frowning my eyebrows, "So you really have no human needs? Think that you can't feel hunger or thirst..."

"I didn't say that," Archer says, and I feel him stop me grabbing my face and turning it to his own. I'm about to drop the bags of Archer's new clothes out of sheer fright - he stopped, directly on the sidewalk, and I'm now just staring directly into his beautiful, ruby-red eyes, with the elongated pupil.

"We can have human needs, mortals," he says in a low voice, then his mouth spreads out into a wry smile, "I haven't had a boyfriend since the last time I was called upon, ten years ago."

"Huh-..." I say with wide eyes and fiery red cheeks as I try to pull away from him, but his grip on my jaws is too tight and I can't get away! So instead - without me being able to control it - my hand flies through the air, slapping Archer, echoing through the entire street. His hand lets go of my jaw, and I choose not even to wait for him to recover until I'm already leaving him, heading straight for my apartment.

Behind me, I can hear Archer shouting less kind words at me, but I don't care. I can't believe I'm hanging on to him - why couldn't I have gotten a Servant who was just a tad sweeter? I didn't even choose to call on Archer! I was almost just given him by the Grail, as if it has sinister plans for me, since it clearly turns out that fate is predestined and that I have to take part in this so-called war.

Exactly what does the Grail have in mind for me? I walk in the door of my apartment and am greeted by the sight of Archer, who has already conquered my sofa, where he so elegantly lies in his old everyday clothes; The white sweater with the snakeskin pants.

He has a glass of wine in his hand and an unusually red cheek, with what looks like an imprint from a hand. He doesn't even look at me, he seems quite furious - more than usual, and I decide it's probably best not to bother him further this evening. After all, he can kill me in less than two seconds if he wants to. However, I'm incredibly confused as to why he hasn't done it yet.

"I'll take a shower, Archer," I say without looking at him, then head to the bathroom, "You could probably do with one too."

"Tch, are you suggesting that I should wash myself?" hisses Archer at me, still without casting his gaze on me. "How else would you take a shower?" I ask, frowning my eyebrows slightly. "Back home in Uruk, I had at least seven virgins to keep me company in the shower, and to wash me," Archer says with an extra arrogant tone this time, then takes a sip of his glass of red wine.

"Oh, so you're from Uruk," I say, crossing my arms as I lean my shoulder against the bathroom door frame. Archer immediately sits up, as if shocked, and is about to get his red wine wrong - he had clearly forgotten that he had no intention of revealing his identity to me.

"You tricked me, you sissy!" he exclaims in a rage and I can tell on his face that he's very close to throwing the wine glass at me.

"Sissy? You're not much older than I am, Archer," I say, extending his tongue. "May I be free! I'm thousands of years older than you, not to mention mentally superior!" shouts Archer back, "Just the thought that an amateur like you has been able to invoke me makes me nauseous!"

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