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Archer has, once again, shed his armor, and now stands in his relaxation clothes - the white sweater, with an incredibly large V-neckline, and the snakeskin pants. The outfit looks incredibly contemporary, but that may also be the case, in that he should be able to walk around people without capturing too much attention — something that a guy in golden armor certainly will.

He casts a few glances at me as he makes his way around the church to look around and examine his surroundings. He obviously still can't stand me, but the feeling is reciprocated - I can't stand him, but, unfortunately, hang on to him anyway until this war is over, and then I will gladly send him back to where he comes from!

"Rin, can I talk to you for a moment?" the priest asks as he walks up to me - he and I have just spent the last twenty minutes washing the invocation circle off the aisle, as we doubted that the people who attend Sunday church would appreciate seeing signs of witchcraft in their church.

"Mmh? Of course," I say, looking at Archer out of the corner of my eye - he's busy looking at the altar - and so I decide to walk with the presenter towards the exit of the church, where Archer will hopefully not be able to hear us.

"Rin, do you know who you have invoked?" the priest asks in a low whisper, without the priest's eyes leaving Archer, who is at the other end of the church, completely indifferent to what we do - the earth clearly revolves around him.

"No, he won't tell me his identity," I murmur low with a little growl in my tone, "I only know he's a king, and that's pretty much it, a very arrogant king." "He's not just a king," the priest says, leaning against me, "I don't want to divulge his identity, as he probably has his reasons for not telling it... But your Servant, Archer, is the first king of history, and demigod, even."

"Oh?" I murmur, frowning my brows a little bit, "So, I guess that's why he thinks he's the king of all kings? The only true king?"

"Precisely. He's been in two other Holy Grail Wars that I know of, and... Let me just say that he is not the most loyal Servant out there," the priest warns me, "But I can't say more, it would be against the rules, but now you are warned."

He sighs deeply and cocks his head, then whispers some words under his breath so I can't hear what it is.

"Mortals!" calls Archer suddenly, and the priest by my side is shocked. "Mortals, I demand food, immediately! And wine there!"

Archer's mighty voice reverberates through the church, echoing a small echo across all the pews. His voice is, no doubt, created for a leader, a ruler - it is great and powerful, and can make anyone bow in the dust to him.

"As you please, Archer," I reply back, arms crossed, without looking at him, "But you're going to be in spirit on the way back to my apartment."

"How dare you decide what I'm going to do," Archer hisses at me as he suddenly stands right in front of me, staring me down with his beautiful, ruby-red eyes, "I am the ruler of this world, I do what I see fit!"

"Well, go outside and freeze yourself half to death, oh, mighty king," I say sarcastically, my eyes rolling and wrapping my scarf around my neck, "If you haven't noticed, your clothes aren't exactly appropriate for the weather today."

"Oh, which reminds me," Archer says with a wry smile, and I can tell I'll soon regret what I just said. "Like your Servant, I require new clothes! So I can go out among my subjects without causing a stir, but at the same time show off my godly greatness!"


"You heard me perfectly well, mortal! Get it done!" commands Archer, "And immediately!"

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