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I am unable to hold back my many tears. It feels like a part of me has been torn in two, stepped on and thrown away, and I have no idea why I feel this way. I'm furious, but also so incredibly sad - I feel like screaming; just let everything come out, no one would probably be able to hear me anyway.

Even if people could hear me, they probably would all not care - I'm just Rin Loveless, that who reads to be an archaeologist who doesn't even know her true last name, who doesn't even know who her family is. I'm the girl who walks around blindly trying my hand at it, only to fail, time and time again, and be sent straight back to where I started - in uncertainty.

"I'll never find out who I am... I do," I mutter quietly to myself, then sniffle a little bit and try to wipe the tears from my eyes, even if they just keep coming back, in endless streams.

I hate crying, more than anything. I feel so weak every single time. Suddenly I'm forced out of my crying as I hear the steps of someone slowly getting closer, and I'm pretty sure it must be Gilgamesh who has finally decided to find me, and possibly apologize - well, as if... I sigh low and let go of my knees, which I've spent the last ten minutes hugging me, in a pitiful attempt to comfort myself.

I use one sleeve to try - once again - to wipe away my tears so that Gilgamesh doesn't see me as weak.

I get up from the ground with a little difficulty as my legs are starting to fall asleep. When I finally look up from the ground, I freeze on the spot. There's one person walking quietly towards me, but it's not Gilgamesh. On the other hand, it's a young girl about my age.

We have the same height, her hair goes to just above her shoulders and is fiery red. It falls perfectly around her pretty face, framing her brown eyes like a pair of crystals on a canvas. She wears a white turtleneck and a long, black skirt that flutters quietly in the wind. Her gaze is fixed directly on me, and I'm pretty sure she's smiling - though quite faintly, almost invisibly.

"There you see," she hums as she stops, about ten feet away from me with her hands behind her back, "I found you, finally, Rin Loveless."

I take a single step back and frown quite faintly in confusion. I have no idea who this person is; I'm pretty sure I've never seen her before, but I can still feel something about her that's very special. She knows my name, which I don't exactly take as a good sign, and I'm convinced she's not a student at the school. I open my mouth to say something, but never make it.

"I'm sorry, but you have to understand that I'm doing this for the good of humanity, Rin," she explains, sighing low as her smile disappears.

"Saber, finish it."

I freeze on the spot as that word leaves her mouth, and a figure materializes before my eyes, in exactly the same way that Gilgamesh usually does when he goes from spirit form to human form.

The difference here, however, is that this figure is materialized from silver dust, and not gold dust, like Gil.

I want to scream, I want to escape, but the strange girl in front of me is standing between me and the way down from the roof - I've realized she's a magician, she's one of the other six magicians in this war, and she found me before I could find her.

Does this mean that the war has really begun? The figure that materializes before my eyes is a tall, young man with long, silvery, wild hair. His eyes are icy blue and his skin snow-white. From his scalp grows a pair of grayish, hooked horns, most of all reminiscent of the horns of a dragon.

The mysterious man, Saber, is wearing black clothes, with shoulder plates, combat gloves, as well as boots and shin pads in the purest silver. His suit is, moreover, open at his chest, where an icy blue light shines its way through his skin, where his heart sits.

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