Bath Time

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That very evening I step out of the shower, after a rather strenuous day. It was the first time I met another Master and her Servant, Saber - now there are only five left that I have yet to find, and I am well aware that not everyone is equally nice, it has dawned on me. However, I am still incredibly relieved that Amaya and I have buried the battle axes - for now - and joined forces in a temporary alliance, even though we are like two strangers to each other.

"I hope this war is over soon," I sigh to myself low as I open the bathroom door and enter my living room. Gilgamesh is in its usual place enjoying his red wine - what a surprise.

"Gilgamesh, shouldn't you take a shower?" I ask with a small tug on my forehead, "You haven't taken one since I called on you."

"Tch, Servants don't need to bathe," he says, sitting up with his legs crossed, "Like we don't need food or liquid."

"And yet you sit and drink red wine all day long," I murmur low in frustration. "I told us we didn't have to, not that we couldn't consume it," Gilgamesh says, sending a cold glance in my direction before taking another sip of his glass.

"If so, you can also take a bath," I say sternly, "I refuse to have a spirit running on my heels that hasn't been in contact with a bath for, what, four thousand years?"

I cross my arms and kick the bathroom door open. "What's in it for me?" says Gilgamesh, who clearly isn't going to surrender so easily.

"You're eating away at my mana around the clock because you don't want to be in spirit form. This is the least you can do, as a thank you," I say, almost resigned. I'm still a little at the way he treated me in the auditorium earlier in the day, and now that I've been told he killed himself former masts, I'm incredibly tempted to ask about it.

But I dare not.

Gilgamesh is, true, my Servant, but he is still incredibly scary, and strong. Even without his magic and Noble Phantasm, I would not stand a chance, because under his layer of clothing, there is a body that only a God can possess, and the reason why the gods created an equal, according to his legend, so that all that strength should not belong only to one unstoppable man.

That equal's name was Enkidu, and was like a contrast to Gilgamesh. After a long discussion of about half an hour, I finally managed to get Gilgamesh to take a shower. He doesn't smell, but just the thought that he hasn't had a bath for so long makes me uncomfortable - personally, should I have a shower at least once a day, or would I be quite tiresome to be around.

I hand Gilgamesh a white towel before he goes to the bathroom, where I just get a rather cold killer look back, followed by complaints that he has to wash himself, since he's used to having at least seven virgins washing himself.

"It's unforgivable!" exclaims Gilgamesh from the other side of the bathroom door, "I, the king of Uruk, refuse to wash myself, without the company of at least seven beautiful virgins!"

"There can't even be seven people in my bathroom," I mutter, loud enough for him to hear me, "This is a studio apartment, not a villa."

"It's a violation of my royal rights," my Servant replies offended, and I briefly wonder why exactly I've got the most cocky Servant - after all, Amaya's Servant, Saber, showed her an incredible amount of respect, and actually listened to her orders. All the while I am forced to have Gilgamesh, the King of Arrogance.

I finally hear the water being turned on, and I sigh in relief that it seems that his bath has begun - then I might be able to relax for a while and find some clothes, as I am still only wearing a towel.

"Woman! Are you trying to cook me alive?!" Gilgamesh suddenly exclaims from the other side of the bathroom door. On the other hand, it doesn't look like I'll have any peace any time soon.

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