Chapter 1- The Woods and Black Wolf

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1 Rejected By My Soul Mate  (Sarah's Slid Show on right )

My first Book go easy on me and hope u like it so go on and read it but PLZS DO VOTE ? 

Chapter 1- The Woods and Black Wolf


Sarah P.O.V


It was pouring cats and dogs, and I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad was going to happen, but of course I just ignored it, like any seventeen year old kid would do. I was reading a book in my room, lost in my thoughts, when my mum called me and interrupted my peace.

"Hey, Sarah, could you run to the store and get me some milk?" she shouted from her bedroom. Why does she need milk now? Something’s wrong with this woman.

It was almost 10 o’clock, and she wanted me to go and get milk?

 I swear my parents are losing it.

"Why do I have to go now? Can't you just send Jason?" I whined and closed my book. Let my older brother do something for a change, I thought. But, of course, things never go my way.

"Mom! I don't want to go," the lazy ass said from across the hall. Before my mom could shout back that I had to go, I grabbed my mom's keys to her blue Honda, ran down the flight of stairs, and out the front door.

I hopped in the car and drove down the street. I looked in the rear view mirror. My reflection showed a seventeen-year-old girl with blondish hair, gray eyes and heart pink lips. Even if I look beautiful, my life sucks. My brother gets everything and my parents hate me (well, that's what I think). Sometimes I wonder if I'm even their daughter because for starters, I don’t look like anyone in my family. I don’t look like my mom because she has curly red hair and bright green eyes. She could never be my mum; she always tells me that I look too pale and I have to lose some weight. What a mum I have. But I don't give a damn about what she says; that woman badmouths everyone.

I don't look like my dad either. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Whereas my older brother, Jason, looks just like our parents; he has brown hair like Dad's and green eyes like Mom. Sometimes I get kind of jealous of him, because he's so popular at school and awesome at sports (mostly running but he’s also the football captain) and he gets our parents’ attention, but I am nothing like him. I stay at the library all the time at school. I have no friends, mainly because my brother ends up in bed with them. Also, some girls stoop low enough to try and use me to get to him. So I quit trying to make friends and became a loner, well more like a nobody at school. My parents don’t really care about me; it may look like it to others, but it’s all a show.

While I was lost in my head, thinking about how I will survive another year in high school or in my parents’ house, I didn't notice a black figure standing in the middle of the road. But I was still able to slam on the brakes in time, and then rush out to see who the person was.

Did I hit him? Oh, my God! My mom is going to kill me! Would she care if this happened?

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