Chapter 23- Aww Shit I Snapped and The Game ?

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Chapter 23- Aww Shit. I Snapped And The Game ?

Asesino P.O.V.

As she sliced her arm, I felt my wolf howl inside of me, so he could take control and shake some sense in our mate. Why the fuck would she do that?! You know, cut herself. But soon I found out the answer. As she laboriously dripped her blood onto Amanda's pale and blue body,concentrating on the wounds. It returned slowly to its normal color and then as Amanda's eyes opened, Sarah's eyes closed and she fell limp on the ground.

My wolf growled in pain, and before I knew it, I had Sarah in my arms and was running through the woods to the pack house where I and the pack Doctor lives too. I sniffed out the safest route, avoiding any strange scents and legged it.

I reached the house and in under sixty seconds and was up in my bedroom. The first thing I did was lay my girl down. I then argued with my wolf when I said, 'I never said "My girl"'. I saw red when I heard the doctor was not home. When I tried calling his cell, it was switched off. I growled in agony as I watched my mate lay on the bed looking pale and helpless - and yet I couldn't do anything.

As I was about to burst into tears, my wolf suggested I lay down, which I did. Yes, an alpha can cry too. Or as commonly quoted by women - men don't have feelings. Well they do. So deal with it. A man walked through the already open door. He wore a black pair of sun glasses, his light brown hair flopped in his covered up eyes, as he walked over to the bed I let my snarl slip that I had been holding on to ever since I felt his presence in my house. The guy twisted his head my way and let out a growl of his own and went to touch my Sarah. I got up on my feet. My Sarah. 

"Who the fuck are you?! Don't go near my Sarah! Or you're dead." I said to the person with a edgy tone. I hope he got the message. He isn't coming near my Mate. My Mate.

He growled when I said 'my Sarah' which pissed me off more and my wolf started to crave for blood and I knew one thing, I was going into blood lust. I felt my body lose control and all hell broke loose.

I jumped up on to the bed and crouched in front of my mate. The man in front of me moved one step to the side, so he could sprint at my mate. So I only had one option, I jumped on to the man but he moved and turned to the door and ran out.

I tried to chase him but never got the chance because a cold hand grabbed mine.

Sarah P.O.V.

I could hear everything but I couldn't feel much. But I did feel pain, it was as if I had been shot. It was right where Amanda was ... shot. Shit! I remembered pouring blood onto Amanda's wounds then I became dizzy and couldn't move, it was like I was paralyzed. My body couldn't move but I could feel, and hear perfectly. I felt Asesino move back and forth and kept calling someone but he settled into the seat which was right beside the bed.

After a few moments I heard the bedroom door open and a smell hit me. Dark! I wanted to shout out "I'm okay," because they were about to murder each other, but I still couldn't feel my lips. When Asesino jumped on to the bed my could feel the blood lust he was in. I wanted to shout again and again "Please stop, I'm okay," but I just couldn't move. I finally felt my left hand twitch and then all I could do was struggle to move it, but then again, I couldn't so all I did was try to grab the bed sheet, but I caught something warm. Then I felt tingly things go down my body and I swear it was like I got life in my body again. I growled for more and pulled the warm thing to my body and then I noticed that it was a body. But right now I don't care who it was all I wanted to do was hug this thing or person. The person's face hit my breasts and the snuggled more into my body. They sniffed me like an animal and I did the same thing back. I opened my eyes but every thing was blurry but all that was not blur where a pair of red juicy lips were, they where calling to me and I did the one thing I should, grabbed those lips with my lips and sealed the deal. First the persons lips, they didn't move 'cause he was in shock but once they did my in moved in sync and then I couldn't help but devote myself to the kiss. I let out a moan when he slipped his tough out of my mouth.

"Baby don't, if I keep going on like this I might mark you." said the man who I dragged into this kiss. I then noticed this man was no other then Asesino, my mate. The dick. The man I swore to not ever let him kiss or mark me. I swore to teach this man a lesson. This man 'rejected' me for no reason he broke my heart into millions pieces. I jumped out of the bed and almost lost my balance but I made it through not falling before Asesino could run to my aid.

"If you didn't want to be marked 'yet' you could of just said." he mumbled under his breath.

"I don't wanna be marked by you ever! If you don't remember you where the person that 'rejected' me and left me to suffer with a broken heart!" I cried out, and breathed in heavily.

He was about to open his mouth but I slapped him across the face. He stood their stunned but I could feel the anger rise in him.

"I started to like you, but you have to go and tell me you love my sister Emma, and you could never love me! Us women are not toys for you to play with and then throw away! We do have feelings! It doesn't mean if you love me, I will love you back especially, if you just want my sister! Fuck off! I will never love you, go screw my sister." I said in one breath and that's when Amanda and Jason walked in. I started to breath heavily and there was this pain in my left side then it was lights out again.

Not before thinking. Shit. I snapped.

Dimitri P.O.V.

"What were you doing Emma?" I asked her as she walked through the double doors of my house with a hunters gun in her hand.

"Oh. Thank you for asking. A regular day. Just killed someone. That's all." she said and went into the room that I gave too her.

"Who'd you kill?" I asked her going near her room.

"Amanda. Jason of the Midnight Clans mate." she said and shut the door.

I speed walked to my room and almost burst into tears and anger.

Me, Jason, Asesino and Dark where known as the top Alphas. Of Canada and United States. We were together since the age of 10. Dark and Asesino where never close but they started to hate each other more right after what Emma did, especially after her death.

I used my mind and try to connect to Sarah which I now knew was Dark's sister. Also Asesinos mate. I guess this may bring them together, but right now I have to save my buddy, Jason's mate. You see I can go into peoples mind and tell them things. So that's what I have been doing with Sarah's mind.

I have been trying to save everyone's lives, and stop the war, and also this way I could let Emma think I was helping her, and get everything I need to bring my mate and friends back together. For everyone's future door to open, I needed the key.

And the key is none other then Sarah.

Jake P.O.V.

I stayed put at the back of the home of the Midnight Clans Alpha so whenever Sarah comes out I could kidnap her and get this game over. But something didn't seem good about this plan. It was like Emma didn't tell me, or Dimitri something. Oh well. 

But one thing that I know is Emma was never my mate.

Emma P.O.V.

I sat on my bed and looked out the window to see a crimson moon. The game begins now. I smirked. Players. Dark and Jenna, Dimitri and Rachel, Jason and Amanda, and of course the loved ones Asesino and Sarah. I can't wait until then. Oh and how can I forget my lovely Jake who never was my mate.


So guys I will uploaded in one week , so school started , I'll have to upload only on satuarday or Sunday because one that's only when the chapter be finish and two I have a test every week so got study. I love ya all. ( just putiing taht in their ) And Ohh some people wanted Asesino to kiss Sarah or the either way so I put that in and if u did read carefully u may have notices the new twist and turns in the story. I will ask again, do u guys need a character explaining Pg. Where I have all the characters so fare described. I need alters 5 comments on that so I no mostly of u guys want one.

So Vote.

Comment. XD

And if course

Fann. Cuzs your amazing or u no I am ;p 

p.s i have 84 fanns yaaa ;) 

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