Chapter 47- Last Chance

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47 Rejected By My Soul Mate



Chapter 47- Last Chance



Dmitri P.O.V


I stood there just looked at his face until I finally felt him look at me and then he raised his right eyebrow. I gave him a bright smile, with pain hidden under it and he saw thru that and came up to me.

“What’s bothering you and don’t lie to me you know, I know that your hiding something and its eating you away, so I know it’s something important,” he said with his thoughtful voice.

“You seem to know a lot bro,” I joked with him.

“Well it seems so I’m like your brother from another mother so of course I would know,” he said and pulled me into a hug.

And that’s when I knew I can’t hide anything from him I had to tell him everything. I had to explain to him about what I have found out. I patted him on his shoulder and I couldn’t help but let a few tears escape my eyes, god I missed him so much. After not having no father or mother from the age of ten I only had him and Dark they were my brothers my everything but then I let Emma or Rachel come in between my relationship with them both and ruin it.

After 3 long years he finally pulled me into a hug.

“I want to tell you something but I think it would be to shocking for you and in the progress of telling you, you’ll hate me,” I said and tried my best to keep the tears back.

“Why don’t you try me and Jake’s here he will hold me back if I try to kill you or something,” he said pulling out of the hug and looking behind him to call Jake and then he asked him “, Wouldn’t you Jake”. I saw Jake’s cheek turned a little red, if that’s even possible for a vampire and also I heard Asesino let out a small laugh. I looked at both of them questioningly and they both just ignored me.

“Okay so ignore me and I will just tell you this stupid shite that I had to tell you,” I mumbled and walked to the only chair that was in the room. I then finally toke the chance to look around the room and when I did I was shocked to see the state it was in.

The desk was flipped and was thrown to the left side of the room, the chairs were scattered everywhere and also the books on the bookcase behind Asesino were everywhere on the floor. Dam something must have happened, but I will ask him later.

“All rite so this is what happened, I went to the library and no not the human library but the Werewolf Library, which is the one the elders made,” And then I told them about the angels book I had found and how the white angel killed the black angel and then the white angel died in grief, but one of the elders said the Wind God had killed her off so he can obtain her powers. I told them in more detail.

“So that’s the angel’s story and now here’s what happened 3 days ago when I was in the forest,” I told to them and they both nodded their heads and started to listen carefully. My heart was beating fast and my head was hurting from all the talking.

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