Chapter 14- Amanda's P.O.V

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14 Rejected By My Soul Mate 


Chapter 14- Amanda P.O.V

Sarah P.O.V

We made it back to his house. With him pushing me room behind and me slacking at the front ignoring his talking and apologies. I can't believe he almost or did it with other woman! What an asshole! Tears started to pour out of my eyes, and wet the fur area around my face, missing my snout. Asesino turned around as we walked down the forest paths.

"Why are you crying now?! If it's about the sleeping with another women thing? Then I am sorry, and it won't happen again." He said the sentences forcefully and with a hint if anger behind his words.

I could tell he didn't mean it and if he did, why would I care? He rejected me! I got more and more pissed of by the second so all I told him was.

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked calmly, but if a person saw me closely my body was shivering and shaking with betrayal.

"Yeah and what would that be?" he asked, sighing like I forgave him.

"Shut the FUCK up" I said. This made him quiet down, and let me think.

I just hope that the bitch who was going to sleep with him was gone. If she didn't leave, my wolf would rip her apart.

Amanda P.O.V

I grabbing my top, which was thrown on the floor near the window. People may think I am a bitch or a slut that sleeps with men - but that's just some rumor spread around the clan. He trusted the rumors and thought I was a bitch like they said, but in reality I still have my V-card. Which I was about to lose again.

I tried so many times to sleep with a man but I failed only to run away. The guys couldn't make them look like losers so all of them said I slept with them. I have heard or they say relationships are created from love, trust and by two people. When I was in a relationship I had the most two important things missing, Love and Trust.

I pulled my black top on and fixed my green mini skirt. I went into the washroom and looked into the mirror to see a broken hearted, heartless girl staring back, my blazing bright green eyes showed nothing but dullness and maybe if a person looked closely a pain that lingered.

My black hair was long and straight by birth, now held no shine, that it once held when I was happy. My straight nose made my face similar to an elf's and my pink lips that are covered with light green lip-stick makes me look kinda emo.

"So...your still here." a husky voice called from the washroom door. My wolf howled in excitement and I knew it was my mate Jason.

"Why do you care?!" I shot back in a bitchy tone. But what I really wanted to do was go and hug him and say Take me back! also beg him for forgiveness, but I couldn't with what he did to me.

"Because he's almost home with his mate." he said angrily. I knew he was saying the so called alpha.

"Ohh...he has a mate! Is it that chick that's your so called sister?" I asked him.

"Yeah" was his only reply.

I knew that Asesino got his mate but what surprised me was that it's Jason sister. I turned around and only to be mesmerized by pair of green eyes. Jason's eye weren't only green but had a touch of light brown which made them look duller then my pure green blazing eyes. We didn't say a word to each other but only stayed cough in each others eyes.
Unlit I said some thing that got him completely of guard.

"I Love You."

Jason P.O.V 

"I Love You" was what left me hanging between dream or reality.

I worked my way up to say something.

"Your Playing me again, you don't mean those three words there just a meaning less thing to you, as well as you are!" I snarled back at her. How dare she start to play with my feelings?! My wolf shouted in my head for being a asshole too her but who gives.

"I'm not playing you or never played you, please let me explain what really happened that day.....I was ......" that's when I cut her of and smashed her against the wall. As pain went through her body I could feel it. I holder her a little more loosely so she wouldn't get hurt by my grip. I wanted so badly to kiss those light green lips but stayed tall and ignored my feelings.

"What ever you have to say has nothing to do with you cheating on me. On my Fuck-in 18 birthday, you left me that day to make out with my friend in my dam bedroom!" I said snarling in her face. 

The same day I was going tell the whole clan she is my mate, but glad I didn't.

"Listen Jason! That didn't really happened what you thought is wrong your friend he..." I cut her of again.

"He told you he loved you, and he fell for you, so then you both went to my room and made out, no wait...slept with each other!" I said snapping at her this time. My wolf growled, but I told him See the slut lie her mouth out for her mate to came back because apparently her other toy left her.

"Please just listen to my side of the story and then you will see things differently!" she asked in a begging tone with tears in her eyes. I thought for a moment and almost gave into her plot because my wolf wanted to make her mine. I still stayed strong and tall.

"How could I trust you, you were going to sleep with the alpha, and my sisters mate just right now!" she dropped to the floor when I said that. My wolf that time wanted so badly to rip our alpha in half but he didn't know so we couldn't blame him.

"That's the problem Jason, you never trust anyone or you never will, and I was trying to forget you so I tried to sleep with someone." I looked to see her standing in the door way of the washroom this time. I was kinda shocked. Like wow! It's been some time and she couldn't still forget about me.

"Don't try to blame me now" I coughed out trying to hold back a laughter of pity and disgust.

"Well all I am going to say it was all Emma's doing." her face was all pale well she said that and her eyes were watering with un-shed tears.

"Emma." my wolf said to me like I should know who she was with no problem.

2 minute passed.... Nothing

4 minute passed.... Nothing

6 minute passed.... Nothing

8 minute passed.... Nothing

10 minute passed.... Nothing

Then it hit me. Emma was that girl mom made me meet when I was five, and when I met her when she was Asesino's girlfriend and soon to be fiancée. I look up into Amanda's eyes and saw the truth that I never noticed until now.

"What you mean Emma doing?" I asked, confused.

"Emma's doing, meaning she never told you what she was planing on your birthday. So I came to your birthday party to tell you what she was, who she was and what her plan was, but I only found you and her kissing and then I got all upset after that. I got dragged to your room then you somehow saw your so called friend making out with me, which you thought but that's not true he was forcing me." she said in a big breath and then diamond like tears ran down her pale cheek.

"And what makes you think I would believe your story" I asked her tapping my feet on the floor. 

Progressing every thing in my brain in a little time. I tried to deny every thing she told me but something told me she was right.

No answer came out her mouth but I heard the front door open and close. Asesino and Sarah where here. Shit this is bad no one knows that were both mates they just thought back then we were dating.

"Leave Amanda. Now" I could hear foot steps coming up the stairs and into the 3rd level hall way.

"No I have to explain to you what really happened, I can't stay away from you much longer, Jason please let me explain." she pleaded and begged me with her eyes.

"No need to explain your only lying about Emma!" I responded back to her. How could Emma do that? Liar.

"What about Emma?" came a girls voice from the open door.

Shit. Sarah.

Sarah P.O.V 

"I am going to find my brother." I told Asesino ones we entered the big ass house. I followed my brother smell which was brownies, and it leaded me to Asesino's room which is kinda weird. I smelled something or someone else in the room.

I walked a little faster to get to the room and see who was with Jason. I didn't notices that Asesino was following me until I heard Jason's voice from the room say "No need to explain your only lying about Emma"

As confused as hell about this Emma person, I asked "What about Emma?" and I walked into the room to see the only person I never wanted to see again. Amanda, my ex best-friend.


Amanda P.O.V

I heard the girl walk in but didn't look up to see who she was, but when I did I regretted it almost immediately. Sarah. Oh god! No this can't be happening! Sarah was my only friend till I fell for her brother, and abandoned her. Behind her stood Asesino. Why was he standing behind her? Why did she smell like him? Then it hit me. They're mates.

Hell! Screw life! I just noticed - The world's is a small place.


So sorry for late upload I have still not edited it so if you did read it and found some mistakes then ignore them and I am sorry about the mistakes. I was not going to upload but then I was like hell why not. I would like you guys to thank my 2 amazing fans

DaShorty. A great awsome person who always comments on my ever uploaded chapter LittleElifin. Is an amazing booster to my ego and writing skills.  

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Song Of The Day: Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love

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