Chapter 10- Unkown thinking all bad

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10 Rejected By My Soul Mate


Chapter 10- Unknown thinking all bad

Sarah P.O.V

I didn't know when I fell asleep, but I knew I was on the bed where I was once in deep pain.
Why? Why is my life like this? Why does God hate me? What have I done to deserve all of this?
Tears flowed down my cheeks. There was this pain around my left side up to my chest. The pain was increasing by the minute as I thought about my parents dying and how my brother told me they were never my parents. I think I should have considered what that girl Emma told me a few years ago.

(Flash Back)

I thought that it had been a few days since I had arrived in that place. Nothing had really happened, except I met two boys my age. One had blond hair, light brown eyes and his name was Jake whilst the other boy had dark gray eyes and was called Dimitre. He had dyed his hair really dark gray that almost looked black.
Emma's food was always brought by Jake and Dimitre brought my food.

That day was like any normal dungeon day; Emma sat in her cell near the corner where she could reach her hands through the bars and hold my hand. We both did that to make us feel better and not so helpless or lost. It was time for our food because I heard two sets of footsteps approaching the cells. There were other people there too that lived in the dungeon and I swear one time I heard this baby cry, but I must have been just imagining things like always. Our cell was last so Dimitre walked in after 20 minutes, followed by Jake who went to Emma's cell. I think they had something going on, but Emma was years older than me and I think Jake was too, even if he looked young from the face but the way his body was built gave it away.

"Here's your t-shirt and wet cloth," Dimitre said with a sad smile. I was glad that he smiled rather than giving a blank face which he gave me the first few days. I took the cloth with a grimace. I had no baths there; I was given wet cloths to wipe myself with it and I only had a t-shirt, which I think belonged to Dimitre, but I never asked him about it.

"Thanks," I went to the corner and took off my old t-shirt. I cleaned myself with the wet cloth, and then changed into the new t-shirt that went to my knees and looked more like a dress than a t-shirt.
"Here's your food, and please eat all of it, Sarah. You're leaving food on your plate more and more each day and to top it off, this plate only has three things so that means you hardly eat," he spoke through his teeth.
"Okay," I said with a smile.
"Don't 'okay’ me, got that? Eat your food, and I will sit right beside you, so you better eat," he said and when he came to sit beside me, I noticed his gray eyes were shinning with what looked like tears.
Was he crying or was he going to cry?

"What's wrong Dimitre, are you crying?" I asked a little worried. He never cried… well I’d never seen him cry.
"It's funny how I can't hide things from you, but I can from everyone else," he said letting a bitter laugh go along with it.
"And don't dare to change the subject. Tell me what's wrong. We're friends, so tell me," I said while putting on my puppy dog eyes.
"Well, you see, remember how you said you heard a baby cry a few days ago? Well, the baby's mother died," he said with tears falling out of his eyes.
"No," was all I could say from the shock I got.
"Yeah, and that was my mother that died," he said before he put his hands on his face and let out small sobs. My heart shattered.
"I am so sorry. Everything's going to be okay, Dimitre," I said to him and wrapped my hands around his wrist which I think calmed him down.
"Thanks; I needed that. You also asked what gender the baby was, well, it was a cute baby brother I got," he said with a small smile. I always liked how he could control his emotions really quickly.
"So now you’ve got a little brother and you're an older brother," I said trying to cheer him up.
"Well, not quite. My sister is the oldest one," he said with a little brighter smile but it faded quickly when there were rushing steps coming to our cell.
"Dimitre, they’re coming. Remember the plan," Jake whispered from Emma's cell.
"What's going on, Dimitre?" I said in a shaky voice.
"I am getting you out; that's what happening," he smirked my way while getting onto his feet.

I said nothing the whole time he got me on my feet and dragged me out the cell door where others stood and unlocked all the other cells. Dimitre and Jake led the way and got everyone outside, but when we got to the forest I saw shadows of people there and I could see Jake and Dimitre's panic, because those people didn't look nice with their big guns.

Dimitre did a signal and a few people grabbed me from the back and started to drag me.
“Dimitre, what's going on?" I asked him.
“I am to protect you from this cold, cruel world," was all he said and he ran into the other side where I heard guns fire.
"No, Dimitre!" I shouted over and over while trying to get away from the person who had a grasp on me, but I didn’t get very far.
"He told me to erase your memories," said the person behind me, and the next thing I knew, everything was blank.

(End of Flash back)

I shivered as I thought about the past. No one knew I remembered what happened before my 14th birthday.
Why is it that things always happen before my birthday? Is it some kind of bad luck?
I still think about Emma, Jake, and mostly Dimitre.
Why did he save me? Who was he really?
I never asked him about his life; the only thing I knew was that he had two siblings and his mother died. I sometimes think about whether he lived or died because of saving us prisoners. I never really understood why we were in that dungeon like place.

Unknowns P.O.V

I went back to my house, which was big like that Asesino's was. I walked up to my bedroom and turned into my human form. I looked into the mirror and saw all the scars I had gotten a few years back, but they were worth it because I was the alpha and was going to get my mate soon too.

"How are you going to get her?" my wolf said, liking every minute because of the chase I was going add to his boring life.
"Go up to her and ask her," I said to him, in a matter-of-fact tone.
"And what if she doesn't want you?" he asked, thinking he’d got me.
"Then we use the old fashioned way and force her,” I replied, now smirking in return.
"Whatever you say," my wolf spoke back to me, not liking the chase any more.
I don't blame him.
But he's got to deal with it.


So finally up to chapter 10 Yeah !!!!!!!! Love you guys for all ways commenting and  

Telling me to keep writing ... I have exams all this week so wish me luck ( upload from iPhone )  

So guys keep supporting me and I get 15 votes on this chapter plzs

Soo like ......

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-Puppy Dogy Eyes- and love you all ;$

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