Chapter 11- Other women...

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I love ju all . I just hat Yo say it ;) I had 0 fans to 47 fans and also I got on the what's hot list on and off . Put who cares about the what's hot list all I care about is The COMMENTs !!! Omg gosh I love how you guys guess things it's just brilliant ( saying it in british accent ;) ) But guys vote pretty plzs " puppy dog eyes " by the way my exams are done so more uploads. And could I ask you a favor wait read this chapter then read the favor at the end .......

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Didn't I say read ... Stop looking at this .... I SAID GO AND READ !!!!



 11 Rejected By My Soul Mate


Chapter 11- Other women... 

Asesino P.O.V

I could feel her depression, pain, loneliness and more things that broke me inside ten times worse than what she felt. I thought she was asleep but I guess I was wrong. I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It read 8:40 am. Shit, I have a damn meeting!

As I hurried to my washroom, I remembered Sarah being brought to my room when she was kidnapped by her brother and I.

I was so pissed when I found her in my bed, that I shifted her to the dungeon-like basement which was normally for enemies. I remembered that from the day I met Sarah, I had kidnapped her, thrown her in a room, rejected her, chained her to a bed in my basement and called her another girl’s name. Guilt hit my guts, how could I be so cruel? I only just realize everything that had happened after a day of sleeping.

I walked out from the washroom and before I could walk to my bed, someone grabbed my hips and smashed their lips on mine. My wolf felt grossed out, but I didn’t, because I hadn't slept with a girl for almost a week because of all this mess.

Sarah P.O.V

I got out of the bed and looked around to make my brain think about other things rather than the past. The room was huge and everything inside of it was white and a little bit gold. I was so mesmerised by the beauty of this room, so I went around it and touched each object like it was like the best thing ever. I looked into the big dressing room and walk-in closet. It had everything a girl could want; summer dresses to winter dresses, boots, flats, runners, big bags, small hand bags, and more. The makeup was all the same way; arranged from bright colors to dark and glossy to non-glossy. It was like my dream come true.

I grabbed a tight summer dress, which was white with red and silver designs in it, which made it look breath taking. I went to the washroom which was also awesome as it had a great tub, standing shower, and two sinks.

I chose the standing shower then the tub because I was so restless to try on the beautiful summer dress. When I got out of the shower, I stood in front of a big mirror that showed every angle of my body. I was wrapped in a white towel that covered only my butt and chest. I walked closer to the mirror and looked closely at myself, noticing that my eyes were a lighter gray that almost looked like silver, I had bigger hips, larger chest, more curves and my hair was a really light blond. I looked at my new self,how could I change so much by sleeping at night?

My wolf Plata laughed and said, "When you shift into your werewolf form, your body takes puberty to the next level."

"Hell yeah, I can see that!" I smirked.

My old self wouldn't have cared if I had a chest or a good butt, but ever since my soul mate - a.k.a. Mr Asesino - rejected me, there was a fire inside of me. So I thought, why the hell should I let him say no - which he did - and make me accept his rejection?
This isn't the lame Sarah who couldn't do anything anymore; this Sarah is fuck off or else...

I dried my hair as best I could with a towel and then pulled the dress over my head. It almost fitted me perfectly; just a little too small for my chest which had grown a size or two. My chest kind of showed, but not much. I also grabbed a pair of flats that were sliver and red. I walked to the door then forgot I hadn't applied make up, which I cared about all of a sudden.

I went and sat on the chair that came with the dresser. I looked for a red lip liner, red lipstick, sliver eye liner and a black eye liner. I applied the lipstick and lip liner, after that I put black eye liner in a thin layer on my eye lids and add another thick line of sliver eye liner. I looked into the dresser mirror; I looked sexy and cute at the same time so I walked out the room to explore.

The rooms I went into were all empty apart from one which I guessed was my brother’s, because I saw the boxers lying on the ground before I entered, so I just ignored it and continued towards a staircase. As I walked down the hall on the next floor I saw rooms labelled: movie room, sports room, swimming pool, and gym… and at the end of the hallway: Alpha's room. I opened the door and walked in, to see the most shocking thing ever.

Asesino P.O.V

I kissed her without feelings.

I touched her without feelings.

I said I love you to her without feelings.

But I stopped when I saw the only person I didn't want to: Sarah.

Jason P.O.V

I heard someone opening my door then leaving my room. I guessed it was Sarah because of her smell. I heard her walk up the stairs and then the footsteps echoed down the hall she walked down, but she came to a stop at some area and opened another door. I thought she went to the movie room but she didn't because when I heard her scream: "You piece of shit!" I knew it was Asesino's room.

I laid wide awake, just thinking, when I heard footsteps and saw Sarah walking in. She looked kind of different… not the clothes, but her eyes and hair.

"Jason, I wanna go outside right now," she said, struggling to hold back her tears.
I was really pissed. What did Asesino do now to make her react like this? Sarah looked like someone... Who was that girl...? Wait, her name was Emma.

Sarah P.O.V

I ran down the stairs to Jason's room, flinging the door open and shouting that I wanted to go outside. He didn't seem to mind as he got off the bed, but he stopped midway, looking at me. He then shook his head, walked to the jeans he had on the bed side and said something my ears didn't want to hear:


I was stunned.

So all I did was walk to the window of the room and opened it up, jumping out and running into the forest.
Why did he call me Emma? Who is she? Why do I feel upset when I hear her name?
Then everything from last night came crashing into me like a black hole. My brother’s not really my brother, my parents were never mine, and the damn flashback that came to me after three years. What is the meaning of this?

I cried and ran through the forest, knowing my soul mate was on the bed with another woman with blond hair and a better body. I could still remember his expressionless face when I called him a piece of shit and ran away.
But what can a girl like me do, that has never been kissed?

Unknown P.O.V

I saw her run into the woods and then I smirked, knowing what to do next ...


So now to the favor , could you guys plzs check out my other book Hot Asassin Love . I am losing hope on that book If you read the book and maybe comment and tell me should I keep writing or change it a bit to make it better or just stop writing. Soo ya that's my favor just wondering if it's not to much..

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