Chapter 45- Behind You

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45 Rejected By My Soul Mate



Chapter 45- Behind You  



Asesino P.O.V

3 days have passed since all this drama had happened. Dmitri had told me about his plan and we had started on it right away.

 My pack was getting ready for the upcoming war and we were trying to find when the next moon will come up. You see this was no ordinary moon this moon shows up only after 6 months or once 2 months if we are lucky then it should be showing up in the next week but I’m not sure so I called one of the elders to help me out with this.

As I sat in my office in long lost thoughts I heard in the distains a knock on my door.

“Come in,’ I said and the person walked in. I didn’t look up to see who it was. The person toke the seat near me that was empty.

“What would you like,” I asked with an edgy voice. These days I have been talking like this, guess because all the pressure of not having my mate with me.

The person didn’t reply to my question so I looked up to see this man, it was none other than my father or in other words my step-father. Anger consumed me and I had him by the throat in seconds. What is he doing here? What does he want and didn’t I kill him? My mind kept repeating the three questions again and again, until I finally asked him out loud.

He only replied back with a choking voice,”Uhh—uhh”

Trying to keep my wolf in check I let his throat lose and let him talk. He didn’t waste any of my time and started to answers the questions.

“I’m here because I need to help you and also I need your help and also I-I’m living right now today is because when I jumped off the cliff I was saved by one of Emma’s people,” he said in a quivering tone. It felt could to know this man that treated me so low one time is now scared of me.

“So tell me how can you help me,” I asked him and let him go. I walked back to my chair and sat down ignoring the fact that I had damaged it because of my anger.  

“I can help you save Sarah because I know where she is being kept,” he said stuttering out the words.

“And how could you know where she is,” I asked him, more like tested him in this question.

“You remembered when you caught me trying to sell the pack kids of,” he said while swallowing.

“Yeah how can I forget father,” I said to him bitterly, he flinched when I called him father.

“Well you see it was part of a plan and the place I was going to send them two is also the place where Sarah is being kept,” he said and looked me strait in the eye so I won’t judge him as a liar.

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