Chapter 13- Jake is back ?

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13 Rejected By My Soul Mate

Chapter 13- Jake is Back? 

Dimitri P.O.V

My name rolled of her tongue and out of her mouth. She was staring at me like I was some kinda image created by her mind that could disappear any moment. I don't blame her when I left her that night, and went to kill those disgusting humans. They had us werewolves for testing. I was rumbling on into my head when I remember she shouldn't have known who I am, her memories were erased so she shouldn't remember me. God what's going on?! Shit! My plan would go down the trash if she knows about what happened.

"You remember me?" I asked her.

"Yes I remember who you are." she replied with a snarl.

"But how?" I asked her going in to a little shock. Her memories should have been erased by Jake. He was a witch wasn't he? Shit! Once again, my plan didn't work. 

"Hell, your STUPID plan would never have worked." my wolf said to me and emphasized stupid.

"Do you even know what my plan was? It's certainly not stupid!" I growled back in my head.

"Nah, I wouldn't know, and besides, would like to stay out of your dirty plans. Thank you very much." he said to me ignoring my growls.

"You know, we are known as a one person team. That's why we are called werewolves not just plainwolves." I pointed out to him, which made him growl and me smile in viciously.

A small whimper came from the real world where my body stood and my mind was goofing off. I looked up to see the Midnight Moon clans' Alpha dragging, pushing Sarah away into the woods with his head hitting her stomach. I snarled from where I was. How dare he walk away will I was talking to them! He looked up at me annoyed. Which pissed me of; he saw my face and smirked.

Then I thought of a brilliant plan...

Asesino P.O.V 


I pushed Sarah more into the forest, pissed of knowing that the werewolf that was near her was Alpha of a murdering clan.

The Blood Red Clan has been known for murdering people randomly for fun and enjoyment. This clan cares about no one but themselves. They take what they want and destroy what they need to. Dimitri was one of the people there with Emma when she was murdered.

My blood boiled at the thought of him there but not helping Emma. Dimitri was once in my clan but he got kidnapped when Emma did to, wait... it was not only him but Dimitri's family too. His mom was gonna have a baby and his dad was killed when he tried to protect his family.

Mostly why I hate him is because he disappeared after Emma's death, it always pissed me off how he ditched me, his best friend when I needed him the most. I felt empty and lost without my best friend and someone I loved. I not only hate him because of that, I hate him because he became the Alpha of the most dangerous clan in the provinces. I snarl back when I heard someone snarling at me.

"Take my mate away from here." my wolf commanded in my head.

"I know she is in danger but dragging her with me will only piss her off, so chill!" I said frowning. I had this weird feeling in my chest and it kinda ticked me off, that the guard with my wolf said 'My Mate'. Isn't she my mate too? Oh shit I can't believe I even thought that, shit. I knew my wolf knew my inner thoughts but left me alone to figure out myself and my feelings too.

I saw from the corner of my eyes Dimitri backing out from the pond and into the clearing. As I pushed Sarah deeper into the woods, I saw Dimitri also walking deeper into the woods towards his land.

Even if he was once my close mate and almost like a brother I hated his guts now, and no one could change that. My blood still boiled at the thought of him being a piss off and showing up at the wrong time. Most of all me and my inner self knew what this person could do and go to whatever lengths to get what he needs.

I just hope it's not Sarah that he needs if so then it's game on and war.

Sarah P.O.V 

Asesino was shaking with rage, and that guy didn't even notice. I could tell him and Dmitri were having a glaring war which I wanted to stay out of. I was still wondering why Dmitri was so surprised about me knowing about what happened in past. What's keeping him from talking and knowing me like before? Who knows, all I know is I found my long lost friend. I was still getting pushed but just noticed we were now inside the woods and Dimitri was way behind.

"Take me back to Dimitri!" I said to Asesino holding my ground.

"Don't you dare say that mans name!" he said and snapped his big wolf jaws.

"Why? His name won't bite!" I said snapping back at him. I noticed he was getting angrier by the minute which kinda or let's say scared me like hell. He smelled my fear and used his big wolf head and put it in my neck and shoulder space. I wanted to push him off but did because it just felt so damn right, and good in away. He took large amounts of air and sniffed me for about 15 minute before calming down I was in shock even when he started to walk away guessing I would follow him. I took my time and followed him back.

Today I learned one thing for sure, wait I learned two things. One, Dimitri is alive, well and hated by my mate who knows why. Two, I learned I still had a chance for making Asesino love me and not keep rejecting me.

Jason P.O.V 

They both rushed out if the house, no wait. Sarah ran out of the house and Asesino followed her out. When I saw Sarah run out the house I figured that asshole was sleeping with someone but I mostly ignored what he did but now I can I have a sister to look out for. If I recall from the past Asesino was never a man whore but once this Emma girl died he changed. Asesino hardly smiles, sleeps with women that throw themselves all over him, and mostly he has himself in that cage of his own that he won't let anyone in.

I could hear some steps coming from the upper level. I knew very well who this slut he slept with or was going to. Amanda, she was the member of the pack a.k.a. whore or slut. She has a mate? Yes. Where is he? Nope. That girl didn't care about anyone or anything, all she ever wanted was power, her looks took her far in life. She had long black hair that ran down to her back and blazing green eyes to go with her hair. If you look at her she is like a perfect doll, with no emotions and feelings. Sometimes I felt bad for her, because her mate is alive and breathing it's just that he was a cold hearted bastard. If she was like this it was all because of him and by the way, I wanna know who was that bastard.

Me, Jason. 

Dmitri P.O.V 

I walked back to my house failing in my plan. Sometimes I wonder why life isn't easy for me.

"You want an easy life after all you done and what you're going to do now?" my wolf asked snarling at me for even thinking that plan but what can I do I just wanted Asesino to suffer. Make him know that not everything in life is going to be his.

"Weren't you both best friends?" my wolf asked a little calmly.

"Ya when Emma was alive but now she's dead I don't give a shit about him." I grinned at the thought if making his life a living hell.

"I don't understand you even if you're my other half." and he then cut me off. Annoying werewolf can't understand me.

I ran into the open front door to only smell a vampire. I ran into my room were the smell led and only came to came with my old friend that I mad at the prison. Jake. He stood in my room staring out the window and when I changed back into a human he threw a pair of pants at me.

"Why do I smell a vampire?" I asked pulling up my shorts.

"Because I am one." he said with a sad tone. 

And with that my body stood stuck to the floor and my brain went dumb if that's possible.

"Jake you're a vampire?" was all I could manage to whisper.


Again iPhone upload Hahah my mom grounded me so no computer but I still have my lovely iPhone  

So thank it. I end up making the story up randomly on my phones note pad which I then send to my editior which then cames to me on the mail then I pase it on her from safari so guys if it has space or anything forgive me and

If you dont know who Jake is remember he was one of the people she knows form her flash backs from the past. And a hint next chapter you guys know alittle bit about EMMA lolol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Plzs guys I work hard so let me no if I need to change or it's good ;)) like I said I don't use the computer but the iPhone. And one more thing

I have 50 fans yaaaaaaaa love all you fans and people that take the time to read my book ;)

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