Chapter 21- He Can See The Future But Not The World

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21 Rejected By My Soul Mate

Chapter 21 - He Can See the Future but Not the World

Sarah P.O.V.

I still had my covers pulled up over my head and I was trying to ignore my brother. He was still in the room trying to get through the walls just to talk to me. When I did respond to him, he started to talk on his own and started to explain. So I just stayed quiet and listened to him.

"I will start from the beginning. There once were two people that fell in love, and had three kids. One was a boy, and other two where girls. The boys name was Dark, and his sister's names were Emma and Sarah. The three kids didn't have much time to spend together because of the war that was approaching. Before the war came, someone traveled to one of the oldest and wisest werewolves alive. The oldest werewolf was known as the Egyptian Prediction Queen. It was said she had so much power that sometimes she herself couldn't control it. The person that went to her was to see if she could stop the war between wolves and their clan. The queen pulled out and old predication and said Nothing could change this war, only sisters - beware one will bring doom; the other peace. " he stopped talking all of a sudden.

I pulled the covers off and said "Carry on." my brother started to talk again.

"The man was shocked to hear something like that, but the war was pushed back. Three years had gone by when the little boy of the age of 9 found out about the prediction. As he doesn't understand it, he didn't fully understand and made a grave mistake- he told his sister Emma not knowing she already knew and was the one that was evil. His other sister was too young to know so he only relied on his other sister and tried to find out the two girls. One day Emma told him that she found the girls and they where his own sisters. Someone over heard Emma and Darks conversation and told the other clan. This started a war between the two clans killing the children's parents leaving Dark to take over the clan. Emma convinced her brother to send away Sarah and not let her know anything. So he sent his younger sister away. For the next four years his sister Emma told him Sarah was the evil one. So he trained himself to kill his sister and for the war, but little did he know that Emma was planning something herself." he took a deep breath and started again, this time I watched his every move and one thing I noticed was his eyes never showed anything.

"You see Sarah I also had something, my eyes, they showed things that none other can I could predicted the future but see that's what Emma used me for. And then she became selfish and tried to take that power away from me so in the progress I lost the sight to see but I could still see the future." I was left speechless.

My brother can't see. That's why he can't recognize me.

My eyes got blurry and a few tears fell down my cheeks. I didn't know what I did but jumped of the bed and I ran up to my brother and have him a hug that I should have given him when I first saw him. For the first time I cried tears of happiness and joy. My brother held me in the hug and said "For once I wished I could see again," then I saw tears running down his cheeks.

I wiped away his tears and asked him about my fake parents, he told me how a vampire killed them well, burnt them in the house. I didn't get the chance to ask him more question's because a little baby boy ran into the room.

The little guy ran up to Dark and gave him a hug. They both were lost in each other and I had to clear my throat to get both the baby's and my brother's attention.

"So who's the little guy?" I ask Dark. The little guy smiled up at me and grabbed my thump. I looked into his eyes and saw brownish black eyes smiling at me. He had brown hair that matched his eyes. When he laughed you could see the baby dimples. I just couldn't take the baby's cuteness to I grabbed him from my brother and cuddled him to my body. The baby started to drift to sleep and I looked at Dark to tell me who this little guy was.

"He's my baby boy. His name's Kaden. Kaden Light." he said with a proud grin on his mature but young face.

And right on queue the same women from before walked in. This time she went to my brother and gave him a hug. Before I could question him he said "This is my wife Jenna." I looked at the women and back at the baby boy. The baby looked just like her; he looked like the split image of his mom. The baby snuggled up more into my body and I cuddled him more.

I was admiring the baby's cute face when it started to rain like crazy outside. I walked to the window and held the baby carefully. I didn't like the rain so much it seemed that only the worst happened when it rained.

I was about to ask my brother's wife Jenna something when she told me leave the room but my brother caught me off guard. He grabbed my hand and started to breathe in and out really fast. Jenna was at his side as fast as she could be. I stood there shock at what was happening. Jenna told me to leave the room once again because my brother was having a vision.

I only had one more step to take when I walked out the room, but before that could happen my brother shouted "A girl named Amanda was shot by Emma in my vision. We have to go and help that girl. Call my best men and tell them to go to the east side of the forest to find the girl and her mate."

I took in a deep breath and called Jenna.

"Jenna take the baby and do tell him when wakes up that his aunty came to visit him. And bro, I love ya so I will come back but I just heard what you said and I have to go to that girl because she's my friend," I spoke, loudly and politely.

As I said that I ran out the house before one could stop me. I couldn't help but think, Why is Emma doing this? and the answer I got to that thinking was because, I guess; she wants to make me weak.

I ran to the east side of the forest hoping I could get there in time. I had a feeling that I could do something and help Amanda if she was hurt. I didn't believe at first when my brother told me how he can see the future or get visions but after seeing the whole part when he gets them. That's when I really believed him.

My paws hit the dirt floor that splashed mud everywhere because of the rain the forest floor had left mud everywhere.

Jason P.O.V.

I stood over my mate, Amanda's dead body. I yelled and screamed in desperation thinking that maybe she would wake up and tell me she was just kidding. But that won't. Can't happen. She's dead. Shot by a silver bullet and dead in a matter of seconds. I'm all alone in this cruel, cruel world.

My wolf hadn't said a word to me since Amanda's pulse stopped. We were in shock. Silence. Hate. Anger. All of my emotions mixed, and then i'd become rouge. For this Emma would pay. In blood.


Okay one don't hate me that I have killed someone. I am crying my eyes out. So tell me should I let Poor Jason be alone or let him have a heart. "Wink wink" u no what I mean. Anyways I am SO SORRY I HAD THIS PROBLEM AND IT WAS ON HOW TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER YOU SEE I LOVE TO ADD A TWIST IN EVER CHAPTER SO YOU GUY WON'T THINK "omg this book sucks the writer dosent know how to write" lolol I lie I no u guys don't say that ;) ;p. Oh and the baby in this book Kaden is a real life baby XD and sane with Jenna she is one of my fans and I just happen to fall head over heels over kaden. So ya guya by the way I am very SORRY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPLOAD I HOPE THIS CHAPTER MAKES UP FOR IT EVEN IT'S SAD !!!!

And Guys. Love ya XD




Fann ;)

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