Chapter 46- Either Emma Or Sarah

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46 Rejected By My Soul Mate



Chapter 46- Either Emma Or Sarah

Asesino P.O.V


I turned to find none other than a man wearing a white suit and had a pair of white marble wings behind his bored shoulders and build body. His eyes reminded me of someone and his features were the same, as this person I knew. He looks so familiar and then it hit me hard but I didn’t want to believe it, he looked like me or wait I look like him. Does that mean he’s my father? And then my unwanted question was answered and it was by the man in front of me.

“Hello son, long time no see,” he said with this sick twisted smile on his face.

I opened my mouth to say something to him but something was caught up in my throat, why I say anything? Because every time I tried to say something it come out as I was choking on saliva. I then turned for some answers from my step-father, he looked at me but his eyes were focused at the image of my real father behind me, I plead for help thru my eyes but then I saw him do the most cowards thing he ran out the door and when he was out the room I felt my wolf sense pick up. I smelled around but I smelled nothing out of place. Weird doesn’t this guy have a scent. I looked backed at my bio father and then he started to talk.

“I see with shock you can’t talk but don’t worry nothing really matters all that matters is that I’m the Wind God and I was the person who send you that letter me,” he said with a giddy tone. I still didn’t answer him and he went on.

“I came here today to tell you that you will have to do a job for me and then I will let your mate go, only if you do this work for me.” He said and that’s when I finally spoke.

“What do I have to do Wind God,” I asked him bitterly. He notices my bitterness and walks closer to me, the table that once was between me and him was now on the other side of the room flipped over.

“You would have to kill someone and can you do that son,” he asked while walking closer to me. When I answered him next I could feel his breath on my face. I tried to taking in his scent but I could not smell anything. This was messing up with my mind. Shit what he is.

“Yeah anything for my mate,” I said without thinking. My wolf just nodded in agreement with this and I could feel this unknown feeling bubble up inside me.

“I want you to kill,” he said and I took a deep breath.

“Emma,” and that’s when I closed my eyes shit. I knew something was coming.  Why her from all the people. Not that I have any feelings for her any more, but she is my mates sister I can’t just kill her without her knowing.

“So tell me son would you kill her for me,” he asked me in a taunting way. He reached out towards me and i couldn’t move as his index finger ran over my left cheek.

‘Yeah but not because of you but because of my mate,” I said and with that I heard a “Swish” and I felt the air go to its normal pace and my so call real father had just disappear.

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