Chapter 4- Rejected

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4 Rejected By My Soul Mate



Chapter 4- Rejected




Sarah P.O.V

I woke up to a disturbing banging noise, and as I opened my eyes, the blackness started to fade away. It completely dark where I was and I couldn't see anything. I opened and closed my eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden change.
When I eventually stood up, I tried to walk but soon found out my feet were asleep. I fell on my butt with a thump.

I got up for a second time and I got only few steps farther, but when I did, I was pulled back by something.
What the heck!?
I again pulled myself up and tried to move, this time paying attention, and I heard scraping noises. Where was it coming from?
It was really close to me, and I then noticed something heavy on my hands and feet. I touched my left wrist with my right; I felt something really cold, hard and metallic.

Wait… It took me a moment to realize how I was chained to something, somewhere, and somehow. I had a real bad feeling. When I thought that, I started to panic and hyperventilate. Let me tell you, when I hyperventilate, I pass out, and when I pass out, you have to bring my inhaler… shit!
I know I have issues, but what could I do in a situation where my crazy brother and some other crazy ass guy kidnapped me? Trust me, you would panic, hyperventilate and possibly pass out too.
I can’t believe I am still sitting here and thinking about things like this, when I should be getting the fuck out of this mess!

I pulled on the chains in my panic mood, and forgot there was no way I could break them. I kept pulling on them until I heard someone open some kind of door. They ran to me and pulled me into a hug. That hug felt like no other I had ever received. There was some kind of warmness in the hug that also sent electricity through my body. This made me come to life and made me want to hold the person back. Like I said before, in my panic mood, I didn't really know what I was doing, so I ignored the tingles that went through me.

The person held me for a while, but when I tried to break through the chains, all I could think of was that there was some kind of monster that was holding on to me like they would never let me go. It was quite scary because some of my memories started to flip through my brain and they were painful. This caused me to thrash at the person, but I was only trying to get away and the figure holding me was hurting me more and making me go crazy. Whoever the person was, let me go only when I heard my brother shouting; telling them to back off.

There was some shouting going on between some guy and my brother. While they were arguing, I was still trying to get out of the chains; my wrists were killing me and same with my feet. I was stopped once again, but this time by Jason. I felt much at peace when he held me, but all of a sudden, I could feel myself cooling down and then the feeling and thoughts came back....

***Flash Back*** (when I was 13)

Today was the same  as every other day. I came home from school and my maths teacher was going to call my parents because I wasn’t doing my homework; well, could you blame me? Like, God I am a girl that needs her beauty time… well not beauty time, but crazy time mostly. I flicked on the TV and flipped through the channels. It went on to YTV, but nothing good was on. I ran up to my room and pulled out my prank book (yes, when I was a kid, I loved to do pranks, but when I grew up, I got over it. That side of me is still hiding in my heart somewhere though, waiting to come out when needed) and started to read. I jumped on my bed, and turned on the radio. I was lucky because my favourite song was playing:

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