Chapter 10

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The first week of classes had gone by very quickly, Diana was exhausted ready for Saturday, she planned on sleeping in and enjoying her first weekend before school makes her too busy to enjoy them.

Diana felt as if she had just shut her eyes went, she was shaken awake. She opened one eye, seeing Angelina.

"What's wrong?" Diana groaned, 

"Quidditch practice. Oliver said we need to be downstairs in fifteen." Angelina said,

"No," Diana groaned,

"I'm sorry but you have to wake up! He won't stop until the whole team is awake." Angelina said, 

"Remind me to kill Oliver." Diana muttered, as she rolled out of bed. She walked to the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face to wake her up, she brushed her teeth before going to change into her quidditch uniform, and put her hair up.

She walked downstairs, seeing Fred, George, Angelina, and Katie Bell all looking sleepy and exhausted.

"Oliver went to wake up Harry, said we should head down to the changing rooms." Katie said, Diana nodded as the group walked out of the common room and headed down to the field.


They sat in the changing rooms, brooms by their feet watching Oliver explain quidditch tactics on the board, but it wasn't just one board it was three. Everyone in the changing room, expect Harry, were asleep. Diana had her head on George's shoulder, and George rested his head on Diana's both sleeping.

"So!" Oliver said, loudly. The group woke with a start, Diana yawned as they sat up.

"Is that clear? Any questions?" 

"I've got a question, Oliver. Why couldn't you have told us all this yesterday when wewere awake?" George asked, Oliver glared at him not pleased.

"Now, listen here, you lot. "Weshould have won the Quidditch cup last year. We're easily the bestteam. But unfortunately owing to circumstances beyond our control -" Oliver paused, needing a moment to compose himself. Diana wondered if he was going to start crying.

"So, this year, we train harder than ever before .... Okay, let's go andput our new theories into practice!" They grabbed their broomsticks, and walked to the quidditch field, the sun had already risen. Ron and Hermione had arrived eating breakfast as they watched the team starting practice.

"You can't practice if you're drooling over Ron's breakfast." George told Diana, she glared at him.

"I'm hungry."

"Want me to go fight Ron for his toast?" George teased.

"I would really appreciate that." Diana said, George laughed as they flew around the field in circles.

"Stop going in circles do the moves I explained!" Oliver shouted at them; Diana groaned.

"My mind is not awake to do the moves!" She yelled, as George dived down straight for Ron who lifted his toast with jam about to put it in his mouth before George grabbed it from Ron's hand.

"Hey!" Ron shouted, as George and Diana started laughing.

"Here you go, milady." George said, handing it to her. Diana grinned her eye's lightening up as she took the toast.

"Oh George, I could just kiss you!" She said, shoving the food in her mouth, not noticing George's very red face but he smirked, playing it off. 

"I wouldn't mind." He teased; she laughed looking up noticing the Slytherin quidditch team walking onto the field. She elbowed George, tilting her head at the team. 

"We should tell Oliver." George said, they flew towards Oliver.

"Why's that first year taking pictures? I don't like it.He could be a Slytherin spy, trying to find out about our new trainingprogram." They heard Oliver tell Fred and Harry.

"He's in Gryffindor," Harry explained.

"And the Slytherins don't need a spy, Oliver," George said, once they reached them.

"What makes you say that?" Oliver asked, turning to look at them.

"Because there here in person." Diana said pointing to the Slytherins.

"I don't believe it! I booked the field fortoday! We'll see about this!" Oliver said, filing with anger as he flew down towards them with Diana, Harry, Fred, and George following him.

"Flint! This is our practicetime! We got up specially! You can clear off now!" Oliver said, Marcus smirked.

"Plenty of room for all of us, Wood."

"But I booked the field! Ibooked it!" 

"Ah," said Flint, taking out a note from his pocket.

"But I've got a specially signed note here fromProfessor Snape. 'I, Professor S. Snape, give the Slytherin teampermission to practice today on the Quidditch field owing to the need totrain their new Seeker."'

"You've got a new Seeker? Who?" The Slytherin team parted, showing Draco Malfoy.

"Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son?" Fred asked.

"Funny you should mention Draco's father. Let me show you thegenerous gift he's made to the Slytherin team." Flint said, they showed their new Nimbus 2001 broomsticks.

"Very latest model. Only came out last month. I believe it outstripsthe old Two Thousand series by a considerable amount." He said, as he made a show of examining his broomstick. 

"As for the oldCleansweeps sweeps the board with them." He said, eyeing Fred, George, and Diana's broomsticks.

"Oh look, a field invasion." Flint said, watching as Ron and Hermione ran over to the group.

"What's happening? Why aren't you playing? Andwhat's he doing here?" Ron asked.

"I'm the new Slytherin Seeker, Weasley, everyone's just been admiring the brooms my father's bought ourteam." Malfoy said, Ron gaped at them.

"Good, aren't they? But perhaps theGryffindor team will be able to raise some gold and get new brooms,too. You could raffle off those Cleansweep Fives; I expect a museumwould bid for them." The Slytherin team started laughing.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione smirked; Malfoy's smile faltered.

"No one asked your opinion, you fiIthy little Mudblood," Malfoy spat. The group gasped; Flint jumped in front of Malfoy stopping Fred and George. 

"How dare you!" Diana yelled, being a muggleborn herself it stung.

"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" Ron shouted, pointing his wand at Malfoy, a green spell shot out of the wrong end of his wand. Ron was thrown back falling on the grass a couple feet away. The group ran towards him, as he sat up and clutched his stomach.

"Ron are you alright?" Hermione asked, Ron lurched forward and threw up a slug. 

"Oh god!" Diana said, turning around. Hermione and Harry lifted Ron up and ran towards Hagrid's hut as they listened to the Slytherins howling with laughter.

"Practice is over." Oliver told the group, sounding disappointed.


Diana, Fred, George walked into the common room, finding Madlyn and Lee sitting on the ground near the couch playing a game of exploding snap. The three sat down exhausted.

"I thought you guys would still be at practice?" Lee asked, confused.

"Slytherins came over and stole the field from us." Fred explained, as he slid down on the ground next to Madlyn and Lee, joining their new round. Diana yawned, her eyes feeling heavy.

"Tired?" George asked, she nodded putting her head on his shoulder again.

"Let's lay down on the couch. I want to sleep too." George said, Diana shrugged as they both laid down, she snuggled into George's side, as he wrapped his arms around her back shutting his eyes. Diana being oblivious to George's heart beating faster, and the smirk plastered on his face. 

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