a Warning years later

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This isn't a chapter.

This book haunts me, at night I think about the horror I have put upon the world and the people who have hurt me. Surprisingly, I was in an extremely dark place when I wrote this, and I have moved on and matured from my past self. I look on with disgust at how I used to ship real people. And I wish I could cut myself from this book.
But I can't bring myself to delete it, some strange part of me wants to preserve this part of my life. I put so much effort into this, and hell, It made me happy to some degree.
I am writing this as closure. I want to truly leave this part of me in the past. You can still read this, but take it as a piece of history to look back on. Someone who got mixed with the wrong people, someone who came out of this era hurt.

Enjoy my fucked up furry fanfic.

And please, stay safe out there.

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