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Dear Mr. Summers,

With this letter, I hereby resign from my position as your secretary ...

A deep frown nestled on Sebastian Summers's forehead as he was drowned in his own mind. He was trying to recall what had happened the previous week that had made her secretary submit her resignation letter this morning.

Seven days ago,

It had been raining in Washington D.C. and the pavements were thronged by people. Sleek limousines edged their way along between the yellow lines of taxis that maneuvered their way in and out of the already busy traffic jam. Wealthy, big companies inhabited the tall block of that street, and the company Andin Kemala Williams was working for had been one of them.

As Andin walked into the building, she gave the security guy a smile to which he replied with a grin. He knew most of the employees who worked in Summers Industries by sight, some were by name.

Andin walked toward the electronic gates and tapped her card on the machine. There was a buzz before the door slid open and Andin walked in. She immediately went to the set of elevators and hit the call button. Once she was on the correct floor, she walked out of the elevator towards the heavy plate glass door which bore the sign "SUMMERS ENTERTAINMENT". Andin offered a smile to the young receptionist working behind the desk and crossed through the open office before getting into the opaque glass door which bore the "SEBASTIAN SUMMERS" name. Sebastian Summers, her boss which was also the CEO of Summers Entertainment (one could easily guess by his surname), had a large square room beyond her own with a door communicating between them.

She had worked for Sebastian Summers for about five years now. Her air of reserved efficiency and professionalism had been the reason why she had managed to keep this job that long. It was quite rare, or so she had been told by her coworkers, that before she came, Sebastian had fired five people and the last one had only been working for a month.

It was ten minutes before one. She'd come back to the office early and spared enough time to get prepared before her boss came back from his lunch. Andin hung her jacket on a coat hanger, in the corner of the room, and tucked away her hair before settling down at her desk.

"How's my wonderful professional secretary doing?"

Andin gritted her teeth against a seething wave of annoyance. Sometimes it was hard working for Sebastian and this was one of the reasons: when he was so careless with his words. He did not have to put the word 'professional' there just to make her sound boring. Furthermore, the only reason he would call her 'wonderful' was because he'd just made another conquest. Not necessarily a good business deal, his list of conquests stretched to females as well.

His voice was filled with smugness, a sure sign of sexual satisfaction. No doubt. he had spent a pleasurable lunch with his latest woman. Another sign was his missing tie. Andin remembered that when he had come to the office this morning, he had been wearing a grey tie. Not only had that tie gone missing, but his collar was also undone.

Yet one look at him and she could understand why females were finding it hard to resist him. Other than his naturally handsome look, he was also disturbingly attractive. His eyes were as blue as the ocean and sometimes when his mood had been cloudy, they would turn darker, almost as dark as the night sky. His cheekbones were angular, almost austere. His mouth was wide with the top lip firm and controlled and the lower full conveying the hint of sensuality and his mastery in the art of kissing. His face always reflected his current mood, sometimes it was full of pride when he needed to intimidate someone (especially his subordinates or business partner). At the other times, it was incredibly charming that an icy heart would surely melt at the sight of him. There was one thing for sure, it was always full of power just like he was. Sometimes it annoyed her how he could think faster than normal humans.

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