* thirty three

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Andin hung up the phone, then pulled her Disney T-shirt over her head, and take off her pajama pants, keeping her panties on. Right now, wanting to get into trouble with Sebastian won out over the regret she would feel in a few hours. She hurriedly brushed her teeth and hair and grabbed her slick black raincoat from her closet. She shoved her feet into a pair of silver, comfortable pumps and dropped her keys into her coat pocket on the way out the door.

The second her eyes landed on him, she sucked out of breath. There he stood next to his black Jaguar parked heading the wrong way next to the curb. Darkness surrounded him, and a cool breeze from the wind blew, tossing several strands of her hair in front of her face.

"Miss Williams."


He opened the passenger door. "Nice coat."

She stepped in front of him and looked through the darkness into his face. The same breeze that tossed her hair about her head brought the scent of his skin to her nose and she breathed him in. She placed her hands on his chest and raised her face to his. Beneath the cotton of his dress shirt, his muscles bunched and turned hard.

Sebastian lowered his mouth and kissed her. His lips pressed into hers and something hot and intense flooded her senses and her fingers curled into the fabric warmed by his flesh. His tongue touched hers as his hand slid between the lapels of her raincoat. His warm hand cupped her breast and he fanned his thumb over her nipple.

Just when she gave serious thought to grabbing his wrist and leading him upstairs, he lifted his head and pulled his hand from her black coat. "Get in," he ordered, his voice a bit gravelly from exhaustion or lust or both.

He opened the door and she sat in the passenger seat and looked up at him. "What sort of twisted positions do you have planned for me? Should I be worried?" she asked.

"Working our way from one end of my mattress to the other."

She pulled her feet inside and remembered his huge king-sized bed. "That could take a while."


On the way to his house, they had stopped at a pharmacy and he had run in and bought condoms. Magnums. Everything felt surreal.

"You make me nervous," said Andin when they arrived at his house. They were walking towards his front door.

He moved close behind her. "Why?"

Several reasons came to mind. Starting with, "Were those magnums necessary?"

"I like 'em snug." He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her back against his chest, nestling her behind against his erection as he unlocked the door and let her in. They walked to the second floor towards his bedroom. "Don't be nervous. Remember that we do not have to do it unless we both want it. We could just cuddle or get into the jacuzzi. It might help with our sore muscles."

At last, they were both in his bedroom. It was exactly like how it had looked like when she had come here a few weeks ago during his birthday party. Somehow it felt like that time had been a premonition of what was coming which was this.

Andin turned around and realized that he was right behind her. Her hand reached out and slid its way from his hard chest to his shoulder all the way to the back of his neck. "I want this too."

His mouth came down and opened against hers. Against her stomach, he was hard as a club. He fed her hot kisses as he rocked his hips and slowly thrust against her. She did not think she had ever wanted anything in her life like she wanted this. This warm, inviting flush tightened her chest and flooded the apex of her thighs with aching need. He softly squeezed and kneaded her breasts. She opened her mouth and devoured his kiss. She had not thought about this but this wild, forbidden moment felt right. Like something she needed and wanted and desperately had to have.

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