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Sebastian had no idea what was going to happen. One second he had been feeling guilty that he had kissed and lusted after an engaged woman and then the next second, he was the aforementioned fiancé. His eyes moved from Andin's outstretched hand to the ring on her finger that definitely had not been there this morning — or else he would have noticed it, to the unfamiliar man who seemed to be bothering her for the last hour. The man in question turned around and for a moment, both men stared at each other.

Sebastian could not help but frown. Judging from how disheveled his hair was, the look of frustration on his face, and what had been said between the two of them, anyone could easily guess that this other man was either an ex-boyfriend who failed to move on or a persistent man who wanted to be her boyfriend. Whichever he was, Sebastian knew exactly what to do.

He paid attention to the expression on the other man's face that kept shifting from grief to shock to anger before moving his gaze to Andin. There was both frustration and pleading in her eyes — something that he had never witnessed before.

He strode forward under the watchful eyes of Andin and the man and when he finally reached her, he set his coffee and bag of cheese tarts on the table and then wrapped his arm possessively around her shoulders. Leaning down, he planted his lips on Andin's. He could feel her surprise and resistance for a split second before her lips melted with his. This kiss was different. A wild, storming kiss that electrified every nerve, a stampeding kiss that reduced his mind to a whirlpool of fantastic sensation, an ecstatically passionate kiss that taught him that lust had an intoxicating, maddening excitement that could not be denied.

Still having his lips hovered over hers, he asked in a deep tone, "Hello, love. How I missed you."

"I-I missed you too," said Andin after a moment of silence.

Then with a smile that mimicked one a wild puma might have, he turned to their onlooker. "Well, who is this?" Tilting his head to one side, he narrowed his eyes to slit. "Is he disturbing you, Andin?" Then to the other man, he said, "what business do you have with my fiancé?" The question slipped quite easily off his tongue which amused Sebastian. He thought he would choke himself before saying words like my fiancé, my wife, our marriage, and many others. Yet here he was, having no trouble at all calling Andin his fiancé.

He felt Andin's shoulders stiffen in surprise and put his hand on her shoulder, giving it a massage while reassuring her that everything would be alright.

"This is Leroy," she finally replied. "He and I used to date. I have told you before, haven't I?"

No, Sebastian said to himself, I do not remember any Leroy or any man really since you have never told me.

But a subject of exes was always something a fiancée was likely to know about. "Of course. The one who failed to move on, if I am not mistaken."

A vivid red was rising up Leroy's cheeks. "We only broke up last year!" he finally exclaimed, seemingly refusing to be so easily dismissed. The couple sitting at the neighboring table glanced awkwardly at us. Leroy clearly had no issue causing a motion or being the center of attention.

"And what does that have anything to do with us?" Sebastian asked, one brow lifted irritatedly. "I hope you do know that you are wasting your time." He let out an exasperated sigh then continued, "if there is nothing else—"

"How could you get engaged with someone else so quickly?" asked Leroy loudly Sebastian was so sure that by now, the entire cafe knew what was going on between the three of them, and looking at two ladies the further back who were each other's confidant and whispering to one another, he knew he was right. "I love you. I fucking love you, Andin. How could you dismiss our love so quickly?"

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