twenty three

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Giving him a little smile, she discreetly moved his hand back to his lap. "None, unfortunately. I don't have any."

"No way, I don't believe that." He narrowed his eyes, giving it a thought, then his lips formed a mischievous smile. "How about modeling? Could you strike a pose?"

"Not really though," Andin giggled as she suddenly remembered what Damon had always made her do whenever they had done shopping. "My friend, Damon, always asks me to try out the clothes we bought and pose."

"Then I'm sure he sees your talent there." His green eyes danced. "Are you free tomorrow?"

Andin glanced at Sebastian for one split second before answering, "I'm sorry but my schedule depends on my boss."

"Would you come over and pose for me? I'll put your beauty into canvas," promised Roberto with a smile. "What do you say?"

"I'm afraid I have to say no."

"Oh, come on." He turned to Sebastian. "Can I borrow her for a few hours tomorrow?"

Sebastian shrugged and then took a drink of his red wine. "That's really up to Miss Williams. I have business in town tomorrow and she doesn't have to come along."

"See, Andin," Roberto gave her one of his dazzling smiles that had no doubt captured dozens of female hearts and yet all Andin could see was something predatory that made her even more afraid. "Your boss allows it."

"No, I really can't. I have other paperwork I need to tackle and I can't possibly let my boss go alone."

Roberto laughed delightedly. "Alright. Maybe next time." He looked at her through those dark flashes. "I like you too, darling. And it has been a while since a female said no to me."

"Well, I'm sorry to be one of a few who said no. But really though, what makes you want to paint?" she asked, rising as they moved back to the long lounge to drink their coffee. The wine had made her faintly muzzy and the air seemed stuffy and hot. She felt a strong inclination to lie back against the cushions of the couch and drowsily close her eyes. Accepting black coffee, she sipped it in the hope that it would help her to stay awake.

After talking long enough about his attempt at paintings, Roberto insisted on getting one of his masterpiece in order to show her what she missed by refusing his offer earlier.

As soon as he was gone, she was alone with Sebastian again and finally could relax. Andin leaned back thankfully, her lids drooping.

"Enjoying yourself?" Sebastian asked her mockingly.

Forcing her eyes open, she looked at him dazedly. "Very much. Thank you," she murmured.

"Would you like me to leave?" he asked bitingly.

She stared. "What?"

"You've been giving him the green light all evening. I have no doubt he expects you to stay when I leave," he said coldly.

Andin's cheeks turned red as she realized what he was saying. She could not believe that he thought she was truly seducing Roberto when all she had done was simply be friendly. She had declined his offer to be the model of his painting, had she not? So what in the hell was Sebastian's problem?!

"Are you insane? I was just being friendly with him. You told me —no," she shook her head, her eyes narrowed accusingly, "you ordered me to be friendly so that he will accept our offer. Seriously, what is wrong with you? Why do you keep on accusing me like this?"

The door opened before he could answer and Roberto came back with his painting. He had unbuttoned his jacket and the two top buttons of his shirt, his bow tie discarded. "What do you both think?"

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