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His eyes widened and she did not think they could get any bigger. "What makes you say that?"

"Come here." She brought him closer to the wall where all the canvases were stacked against the wall.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?"

She moved the canvases away and when the wall was finally exposed, Sebastian took a short intake of breath. His eyes glazed over the surface of the wall that was full of sketches. There were two boys playing in what looked like a playground, then next to it were both boys riding bicycles, then another sketch of a taller boy patting the other one.

Sebastian blinked and then moved his eyes to meet hers. "Is this—" for a few seconds, it almost felt as if he was at a loss for words before he was finally able to finish his sentence. "Is this supposed to be me?" He pointed at the shorter boy. Then he ran his hand through his hair. "Damn! It is me. I can tell from that bicycle. I used to have it back when I was six and Piers was nine. And that," he pointed at the sketch of two teenage boys, the taller boy was kneeling next to the shorter one, "that was when I dumbly hit the break too soon. Piers was teaching me how to ride a bike and he nearly lost it." He laughed, shaking his head as he recalled the past memory. "He told me he won't teach me to ride anything ever again after I got the stitches from the hospital downtown but you know, a month later he taught me how to drive a car. So much for not teaching me to ride anything, huh?"

"He never forgets you," she reiterated again, feeling that he needed to hear it from time to time because he looked like he was in disbelief.

"Then why on Earth he covered all these sketches with the canvases? Why hide it here?" He looked at her as if she held all the answers in the world.

"I don't know." Andin shrugged. "Perhaps he misses you." She nodded. "He wants to hide it because it reminds him of you too much and that was why he hid it."

"And here I thought I was the only one missing him." Sebastian sighed, a hint of a smile on his face.

"I know you both have your issue but you should reconcile. Clearly, you both care about each other and miss each other. And judging from all of these sketches, he treasured the memories of you and I know you do too."

"It would be hard especially since he was also the one who drove Draven away." A frown started to form on his forehead but there was hope in his baby blues. "But you are right. I miss my brother too. I will find him and try to fix our relationship."

Andin smiled, her heart was feeling warm watching him like this, to know that he and his brother had a special bond and that bond remained strong even though there was a distance between the two of them. All of a sudden she remembered the guy she had met at the beach the other day, Joseph. She hoped that he too would finally make peace with his brother. Then something clicked inside her head. "Sebastian!"

"Yes?" His tone still sounded as if he was in a daze.

"What is your brother's name?"

"What?" He finally tore his gaze from the sketches to face her. "Piers? Piers Summers."

"No, I mean his full name. What is his middle name?" Unlike his other brothers in which she had at least seen their full names in contracts and agreements, she had only heard of Piers orally and always by his given name.

"Piers Joseph Summers, why?" asked Sebastian curiously.

"Oh, my God!" Andin gasped.


She put one hand on his arm and blinked twice. "Your brother came to find you at the hotel the other day!"

"What? When? How do you know this? Did he ask the hotel receptionist?"

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