forty six

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Damon had come over and helped her do her hair and makeup. It appeared that he somehow managed to do better than she ever would.

"Good luck, Andin Mia Bella," he said as his arms enveloped her in an embrace. "And if you see that monstrous bitch at the party, would you accidentally not so accidentally dump your drink on top of her head pretty please?" He clasped both hands in the front of his chest and gave her a puppy look.

Andin laughed and shook her head seeing her best friend. "It would not be an accident if I dump it on her head, you know."

"Well, she is shorter than you but you can always aim for her back seeing that she stabbed you in the back." Damon folded his arms and frowned. "I still could not figure out how and why she did all of that. Moreover, I just do not get why she came to you instead of Sebastian. She could have gone to him especially since, pardon me, My Darling, he has more money than you. If money is what she is going for then she should just go directly to him."

"Maybe she just wants to ruin him as she has said to me." Andin sighed and took a seat on the couch. All of the sudden she felt extremely tired. "Perhaps it is his reputation or his good name that she is aiming for."

"It still does not make sense. If she is out there to ruin him, then she should go ahead and sell those photos to the newspapers or magazines." Damon gave her a sad look and then blinked twice. "Anyway, no need to fret about it. Your sexy lover said he has something in mind, right? Perhaps for once, you should let someone take care of you, Andin Darling. You have been taking care of yourself for a long time, you know." His hand found hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Perhaps you are right," replied her with a sigh.

"Of course I am right. Now let me get your shoes to match that fabulous red dress so you could be on your way." He walked to the balcony and looked down. "See, I knew it. Your sexy lover has sent a car for you downstairs."

Andin rolled her eyes. "Stop calling him my sexy lover, Dee."

"Well, he is incredibly sexy and he is clearly your lover." Her friend winked at her before moving along to get her shoes.

For a moment, she stared at the ring on her finger and the red dress that she was wearing. Even though her heart was pounding and her mind was a mess, she knew she could count on Sebastian. He would be able to make it right and when he did, she could finally tell him what she truly felt about him. It was scary to bare oneself because that would make one vulnerable but she knew that it was the right time. Andin put her hands on her belly and smiled.

* * *

A few minutes later, Andin found herself inside Sebastian's jaguar with Pedro behind the steering wheel. Curiously she cast a glance every now and then at Sebastian's driver who — she had just figured out — happened to be his personal assistant and bodyguard. For nearly four years she had worked for Sebastian, she had never known that Pedro was more than a driver. Perhaps that was the impression Sebastian wanted everyone to have.

"Is something wrong, Miss Williams?"

Pedro's question suddenly wiped her thoughts away and she blushed, knowing that he had caught her staring. "No. All is good." Then as if she had just realized that Pedro had been using perfectly good English without any hint of his Mexican accent, she blinked. "Wait, I thought you said you could not speak English fluently."

A smile appeared on Pedro's face as he replied, "I am sorry, Miss Williams. I actually speak fluent English. I only pretended so that people will dismiss my presence easily." Then he quickly added, "This fact, of course, is known to Master Sebastian." His cheeks reddened as he continued shyly, "He figured it out during my first week working with him and called me out. Though he said that it is fine for me to continue speaking in a thick Mexican accent and mixing some Spanish words into my sentence to give the impression that I am not fluent in English. But he assured me that I did not fool him. Since then I always drop my pretense whenever I talk to Master Sebastian."

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