twenty two

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Andin felt her body grow tensed the second she heard his voice and Roberto must have felt it too as he let go of her hair and gave Sebastian a nod. "I was just chatting with your beautiful secretary," he said. "How was your flight here?"

She turned around and caught the stony look on her boss's face. His eyes lingered on her for several seconds before they moved to Roberto's as he replied, "It was fine."

"I'm guessing it was or else your brother will probably hear your complaints as soon as the plane lands or perhaps even before." Roberto chuckled.

Sebastian gave what might seem like a polite smile but Andin noticed the icy look in his blue eyes. He did not think that joke was funny. "Reed always makes sure the service for all of his customers is great and up to standards."

"Of course," Roberto nodded. "Maybe one day I'll get to buy an airplane from your brother. You'll help me get a sizeable discount, right?"

"I'll see what I can do," said Sebastian, not giving any promises yet the other man seemed to look quite pleased.

Roberto looked ostentatiously at his wristwatch. "Oh, Dio Mio! I'm running late. Sorry but I have to go. I have a meeting. I guess I'll see you tonight, Sebastian." He winked at Andin as he was walking past her then leaning towards her, he added, "And I'm certainly looking forward to seeing you again, Piccolina."

Once Roberto had left, she slowly looked at Sebastian. His expression was impossible to read. Clearly, he had put his wall back up again.

"Shall we get changed and do some sightseeing?"

"I think I'm exhausted from the swimming," answered Andin followed by a sigh. "I would rather rest for a few hours at the hotel. I'm still slightly tired from the plane ride."

"Fine by me." He shrugged then turned around and walked away. "I'll see you at the lobby at around six thirty before we have to go to the dinner."

"Do you need me to bring you anything, Sir?"

"No, thank you, Miss Williams," he said, cooly. "I'm going to town so I'll find what I need there."

Andin quickly changed into her jeans and blouse then returned to the hotel by herself. Although she was a bit curious about where he had gone to and with whom, she knew she had no right to so she shoved those troubling thoughts away and laid down on the bed after putting the bikinis away. She drew the curtain but kept the French windows open to admit a cooling breeze from the sea. Albeit she was trying her best to relax but her mind would not let her. Her body was aching with needs that she could not comprehend and this was all his fault.

No, no, no. There were two people there on that raft. She was as guilty as he was. With this revelation, she was angry at herself. How could she have permitted herself to respond to Sebastian like that? She despised herself for her collapse before his practiced techniques. He knew exactly how to arouse women. The sensuality of his lovemaking clearly had not been learned overnight. She had always been so determined not to let herself weaken towards him yet she had failed herself. Now there was nothing left of her pride. Why on earth had she done it? Was it truly impossible to control the treacherous impulses of the body with the calm reason of the mind? She was embarrassed by herself, ashamed of her behavior.

Whatever Sebastian offered was far from what she wanted in life and her relationship. She wanted a quiet affection of partnership, the undemanding warmth which could deepen in time to strong love. She had always believed such affection was more powerful and sane than her occasional anguished awareness of Sebastian.

Her eyes stared at the curtains blowing in the sea breeze and her mind brought her back to what had happened on the raft, to Sebastian and his kisses. Despite her attempt to sweep those thoughts away, it kept coming back and gradually she fell into a light doze, from which she awoke when a hand touched her shoulder.

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