forty one

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"Great, I think we can conclude the meeting this afternoon," said Thornton's finance executive, Mr. Phil Lambert, with a smile. "If everyone's happy with the arrangements that we discussed today, we could proceed with the contract and legalize everything so we can start with the project as soon as possible."

Once the meeting ended, Thornton approached Sebastian. He was about to ask his little brother to have lunch with him and Ava at their house when he noticed that his brother had his eyes fixated on his phone screen. With one glance, he could tell that he was staring at someone's photo. It was a photo of his secretary sitting on her desk reading what looked like a contract, there was a serious look on her face.

Thornton stifled a sigh. If he was being honest, at first he had minded his brother having a relationship with his secretary. Mixing business with pleasure was always dangerous. Anything could happen and if Sebastian was not careful, he could be blackmailed or being used or worse, have his heart broken. And that was the last thing he wanted for his brother especially after experiencing heartbreak himself when Ava had cheated on him with their neighbor, Josh Dvorak. Yet since then, he had seen Andin from time to time, paying more attention to her whenever he had gone to Sebastian's office and she seemed to be a good person. Looking at his brother now, seemingly obsessed with his secretary, he wondered whether they would be hearing wedding bells anytime soon.

"Jav, you did not even realize that the meeting is over," greeted Thornton as he took the seat next to his brother.

Sebastian quickly pressed the lock button at the side of his phone and slid it into the pocket of his pants. "What's up?"

Thornton pretended that he did not notice how flushed his brother's face was. "Do you want to have lunch with me and Ava? She has cooked some Indian food and asked me to invite you over."

"I do not think I can join you for lunch." He took the cup of coffee on the table in front of him and finished its remaining content. "I have to go back to the office."

"Why? It is lunchtime now." Thornton frowned.

"I have some pressing matters I need to handle." Sebastian rose from his seat.

Thornton followed suit and together they walked towards the door. When Sebastian started to walk away, Thornton called him out. "Tell Andin I said hi."

His little brother came to a halt, a small frown settled on his forehead. "What makes you think that I am going to see Andin?"

"I don't know, Brother," said Thornton as he shrugged, a wide grin spread on his face. "Maybe the fact that it is written all over your face?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes then turned around and walked away. His brother was not wrong. Right now, nothing he wanted more than returning to the office so he could find Miss Williams and perhaps take her for lunch. Since she still wanted to hide their relationship, perhaps he could ask her to go back to his place and have their lunch there. Who knew, one thing may lead to another and he could persuade her to pay a visit to his bedroom. His lips curled into a smile. After all, tomorrow she would go to her mother's place and he would not be seeing her for a few days. Damn, thinking about it alone made him start to miss her.

"Be careful not to hit a wall on your way out, Little Brother. With that smile on your face and how you could not wait to get out of here, I think you might," said Thornton from afar.

Sebastian shook his head and ignored his older brother as he kept on walking. Right now nothing else mattered, all he wanted was to find Andin.

* * *

He parked his car in his usual parking spot and killed the engine. Once he gathered his briefcase from the backseat, he started to walk towards the elevators when his eyes caught sight of Andin sitting inside her car behind the wheels. As he approached her car, he realized that she was not alone. Out of curiosity, he came closer then his footsteps came to a halt. There he witnessed Andin and a guy sharing a hug. She looked like she was in so much pain, at some point he could swear that he saw tears pooling in her eyes. Curious as to who the other person whose back was to his was, he took another turn and that was when he felt chills run down his spine. It was none other than Piers.

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