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Andin had arrived exactly five minutes before the guests were being led by the EO into the dining hall. Even though Sebastian had told her to enjoy herself, she knew she had to make sure that the event went on without a hitch so she had gone to meet Jackie, the event organizer. Jackie had been Andin's friend since college and recently she had started her Event Organizer business. Since Andin wanted to help her friend, she had given this job to her instead of the usual EO who had been arranging such events for Sebastian and Summers Entertainment.

It seemed that she'd been right to talk to Jackie as soon as she'd arrived because Jackie looked frantic. "What happened?" Andin asked.

"Oh, Andin, what should I do? We're doomed!" Her friend was literally shaking, cold sweat forming on her temples despite the air conditioner being turned on. "Well, I'm doomed, for sure."

"Calm down and tell me what's wrong," asked Andin, keeping herself calm and cool headed so that she could find the right solution.

Except that there was no right solution here. The singer who'd been booked to sing happy birthday to Sebastian had a diarrhea and couldn't perform tonight.

"I really wish I can sing!" cried Jackie, her face looked pale. She wanted to blame the singer so badly but even she knew that this was a mere coincidence that the light snack being served had eel in it and the singer simply could not stomach it. The poor girl was still occupying one of the bathroom cubicles.

"We can find someone in the audience, maybe?" Damon suggested. "I mean, most of the guests are artists and people who work in the entertainment industry, right? Surely there's someone who won't mind singing for your boss."

Damon had been right but knowing her boss and how he had prided himself, there was no way he would accept one of his guests singing for him freely. He would be embarrassed and then Jackie and her company would suffer. "No. We can't. Sebastian won't have it. He'll be pissed if he knows we ask one of his guests to sing for him."

Jackie blinked and when she stared at Andin, her face finally regained its natural color. "You can sing, Andin. You should sing!"

Andin almost choked on her tongue. "W-what?"

"You can sing. I know you do. You won that talent show back when we were in college. Why don't you sing for him? I'm sure he won't mind if it is you."

Damon nodded in agreement. "She's right. Your boss won't even know that you're not supposed to be singing. He'll think that this is part of the plan and that you want to surprise him."


Before Andin could utter her disagreement, both of her friends already started planning what needed to be done. They agreed that Andin's red dress was a killer dress thus she didn't need to swap her attire. Damon and Jackie were still discussing about her make-up and accessories for her hair when Andin finally found her voice back. "Wait!"

Both of her friends stopped their discussion and looked at her.

"I can not sing for Sebastian! That's way too personal! He's my boss for goodness sake! Plus we're not that close!" Andin shook her head frantically, she couldn't even imagine singing for him let alone truly doing it.

"Oh, come on, Andin. Please," begged Jackie, holding Andin's hands. "This is my first gig, I don't want it to fail."

"You're going to be alright, Andin Dearest," said Damon, trying to convince her. "Did you not say that you want to surprise him with your new look so he would stop with those annoying thoughts he has about you?" He lifted one brow and smiled. "This would give you the perfect, grand entrance. All eyes will be on you including his."

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