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"He kissed you, didn't he?" asked Damon once they were out in the parking lot.

Andin blinked before her face reddened. "Did you see?" She knew there was a little chance that Damon had seen it since she and Sebastian had been in his bedroom but still, there was no other reason that she could think of.

"Nope, but I wish I did." Damon wiggled his eyebrows, teasing her. "It's written all over your face, Darling. You look slightly flushed and when you came back from the restroom, you acted all weird." He paused, scrunching his nose then clapped his hands. "Oh, and oddly enough, you can't wait to get home. That is the weirdest one."

"I'm just tired," said Andin which was not entirely a lie. She was emotionally tired having to remain cool and unaffected by Sebastian's every move.

"Because of the kiss?" teased Damon again in which Andin replied with a nudge on his waist. "Ow! No need to harass me. But seriously, girl, was he good?" Hearing Andin's contented sigh and watching the look on her face, he could easily guess. "Oh wow, he's that good, huh."

"Whatever." Andin shook her head in the hope that it would shake the thoughts and feelings of her boss's lips against hers away. "This is bad though."

"How's so?" Damon unlocked the car and they both slid inside. "What is so bad about experiencing a great kiss?" he continued once they were inside.

"Maybe the fact that he is my boss?" Andin asked incredulously. "You know our plan is to show him that I'm not a boring person like how he portrayed me to be. I didn't plan to seduce him."

"Well, he's seduced nonetheless." Damon shrugged, a mischievous smile forming on his face.


"What?" He laughed, shaking his head at her annoyance. "Aren't you at least a little bit happy that he was paying more attention to you than his girlfriend?"

Andin was going to say no but she thought better. Damon was her friend, she did not need to lie or conceal anything from him. "Maybe a little."

"See, so all is good, Andin Mia Bella."

"Ugh, but he's my boss though."

"Only until Monday, right?" Damon put the seatbelt on and started the engine. "You're still going to hand in your resignation letter, aren't you?"

"Yes." Andin wasn't sure why she was slightly annoyed being reminded about it. "But I still need him to give me a good recommendation letter so I can find my next job."

"You'll be fine, Andin," said Damon as he drove his car away from Sebastian Summers's huge lot and garden and into the road. "By the way, don't forget to unmute your phone. Your mom might've left you a message."

"Oh, right." She opened her small purse and pulled out her phone only to let out an exasperated sigh.

"What is it now?" He spared her one look before focusing his attention back on the road. "Is it your asshole, stalkerish ex again?"

"Yeah." Andin scrolled through fifty messages without truly reading them. Closing her eyes, she rested her head back against the headrest. Leroy and Andin had broken up about eight months ago after a month of dating. Her mother, tired of seeing Andin being single, had introduced her to Leroy Taylor after having met him through acquaintances. The relationship had not worked out at all especially since Leroy had been too clingy and always asked where and with whom Andin was. When she had finally decided that she could no longer be with him, she had broken up their relationship. However, Leroy was still sending her texts and attempting to call her which of course, she declined. He'd been the source of her headache lately.

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