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Sebastian could not help but notice the surprise and shock on Andin's face and immediately felt bad for being the cause of it. "Never mind." He shook his head while chastising himself at the same time. This was stupid. No matter how annoyed he was at Michelle and his family, he should not make Andin feel more uncomfortable. Yes, he had had enough of them tonight and the last thing he wanted was to go back to his house and face them but still, he should not stay the night here. He should simply go to one of the hotels — preferably one which was not owned and managed by his brother Declan Summers. Furthermore, with him being highly attracted to her, staying the night was simply a bad idea.

"What's wrong?"

He heard Andin ask and turned to face her. "Pardon?"

"Why do you wish to stay? Don't you want to go back to the party?" she asked curiously, tilting her head to one side.

"After what they have done to you?" All he could do was stare at her with an incredulous look on his face. "Of course not."

"But, Sir—"

Before she could continue her sentence, he put one finger on her lips and she stumbled backward. He moved quickly with her, one hand securely holding her waist while the other planted on the wall of the lift next to her face. "I am not Sir for you tonight," he reiterated his earlier sentence. Then he leaned forward, so close that he could almost hear her breathing growing hard. "Is it that hard to think of me as anyone other than your boss?"

"I'm sorry," she blurted out hurriedly.

"Is it very difficult to see me as your lover?" he breathed out his question in a whispering level.

Her eyes widened and she tilted her head up. Her lips were painfully close to Sebastian's that he nearly could not control himself. All he wanted was to kiss her, sweep her off her feet, and bring her to her place where he could ravish her. He shook those treacherous thoughts away and reminded himself that Andin had faced enough humiliation that night.

"I-I don't think anyone will find it easy to think of their boss as their lover, Sir."

For a split second, Sebastian nearly lost it. He was so close to discarding his earlier thought and pulling her body tightly against his. He wanted to show her all the things that could prove otherwise, all the things that could indeed make her his lover. Before he could do anything, the elevator stopped on her floor with a ding and he straightened up.

"Then it's a good thing I will no longer be your boss in two months' time," he muttered under his breath annoyedly as he took a step back, moving away from her.

His finger pushed the elevator button to keep the door open and once she got out, he followed her behind. They traveled down the hall in a palpable silence as they both seemed to be occupied by their own thoughts.

"Look, I'm sorry," said the petite figure next to him as they stopped in front of a wooden door. "I don't mind you staying the night." Andin fished out her keys and unlocked the door then turned to him as she held the knob. "It's just that my place is very small and I know you long enough to know that you will not be happy sleeping in the second-hand couch that I picked up for fifty dollars a few months ago."

"Perhaps you do not know me that well, Miss Williams," he spoke cooly.

She shrugged her shoulders and swung the door open. "If you say so, Sir."


Andin watched him as her boss looked around her apartment. Albeit it was less luxurious than other places her boss had probably gone to, she was not ashamed of it. It was warm and cozy and most importantly, she had paid for it with each dime she had earned. All by herself. She was proud of it. This was the place where she could curl up at the end of a long day.

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