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Sebastian unclenched his hands and took a deep calming breath. He felt like a caveman. Never had he been this possessive towards a woman. Adrenaline was pumping through his veins and all he wanted to do was to rip Andin away from Damon and take her away — preferably into his bedroom, on his bed. His mind kept reminding him that he would look like an utter fool if he tried to make any moves at all. And yet he was having a hard-on from dancing with Andin. She was his secretary for goodness sake!

London snaked her arms around his. She had just gone back from dancing with Damon. "I'm so tired now." She heaved a deep sigh as if she had just run a mile. "Can we retreat to your bedroom for a bit?"

She'd laid her invitation. Thrice tonight. If he was smart, he should take her up on it. After all, having a release would feel so much better than taking a cold shower. Yet he didn't want it. He wanted Andin and no one else but her.

"Babe?" London called him again when he had not answered her question. It seemed that it had not occurred to her that he was no longer interested in her.

"No," he finally replied very curtly.

The DJ took over and spiced things up with a hype song. "Dance with me?" London pursed her luscious lips, blinking her eyes as her hold tightened.

Again, he replied with one simple word. "No."

"Why not?"

"Go find someone to amuse you, London. I'm going to stay here on the balcony for a while."

She was about to protest when the look in his eyes silenced her. Then she gave him a smile and planted a kiss lightly on his lips. "Take your time, darling."

Sebastian closed his eyes and let the music soothe him. He wanted Andin back in his arms, against his body, close enough that he could feel her every curve and her warmth. His mind began to play a series of erotic scenes, giving him ideas of things that he could do to her. Things she could do to him. Things that they could do together.

He hissed as his body was hard once again. This body clearly desired Andin Williams and the more he resisted, the more he was driven to this mindless insanity. It needed to stop. His desire needed to be satisfied and he knew exactly how.

* * *

Sebastian had been watching Andin the whole night. She had mixed and mingled with the others. She knew most of the guests here since she had at least arranged meetings with them once or twice over the course of the last three or four years she had been working for him. And of course, her dedicated lover was tagging alongside her, keeping her company. It irked Sebastian to no end how their bodies stand so close. Patiently, he waited until she was alone.

Then, at last, he observed Andin whisper something to Damon and then talk to the group she was conversing with before detaching herself from them and walking further towards the hallway. A delicious grin spread across his face.

It was an advantage that this party was held in his house. He knew his way around and quickly enough he was able to catch up with her. He watched her look around the place. Although it was not her first time coming here, she had never ventured around the house and his house was big. Big enough to keep at least five families. She poked herself at the junction, seemingly unsure which way to go.

He strode towards her and when he was close enough, he said slowly in the hope that he would not scare her. "Are you lost?"

She jumped a little before she spun around and faced him. Relief glossed over her feature when she realized that it had been him. "Not really. I am trying to find the restroom."

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