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In the end the boys got almost 10 books. Since Jisung was also a reader a few book covers caught his eye and he couldn't resist it. Of course, he got Minho the book he wanted and his happy face melted his heart. Minho thanked the boy with a hug and then they exited the store as the younger checked the time, "It's almost 10"

Minho hummed, "It's getting late. I should probably go home now" he glanced down at Jisung's hand, the taller noticing it as he reached for Minho's hand, giving it a light squeeze. "I'll walk you home then" he smiled at him and received a smile in return, "Thanks"

"Of course, Min"

During their way back home, Jisung was contemplating whether or not he should confess his feelings. He knew that it was a little early for that because it was the first time they hung out and they weren't even friends for that long yet but he was willing to take the risk. At least he wanted Minho to know, even if that meant rejection. And he also knew that if he wouldn't express his feelings then he was going to regret it. He wanted to be honest with the older so he decided to do it in the end.

They were almost close to his house so Jisung took a deep breath and prepared his little speech in his head. Once they were outside the front door, Jisung tagged at Minho's hand and made him look at him. "Is something wrong, Jisung?" Minho tilted his head and adjusted his hold on their hands. He could see the taller boy looking nervous which worried him a bit.

"Uh, no, no- It's just" he exhaled softly and looked the other boy in the eye "I think I really like you, Minho. Not just in a platonic way but something more than that. I know it's too early for me to say this but I wanted to be genuine with you and I don't like hiding. You can reject me or never talk to me again, but I just wanted you to know that I like you. Not for your looks, not for your money but for you. I hope you believe me when I say this. If you don't feel the same then it's okay. And if you're not ready for something like this yet then that's also just fine. I will wait for you, Lee Minho"

As he finished his confession, he let go of Minho's hand and brought it up to his head, ruffling his hair lightly, "Have a goodnight, Min. Text me whenever" he flashed the shorter a smile before walking away. However, he was stopped by the familiar gentle voice he loved listening to "You don't want to hear my response?" Jisung turned around and faced him properly, his hands hidden in his pockets "I do"

Minho nodded and walked closer to the younger, glancing up at him "I do believe what you said. And I think I like you too.. But- But I'm scared that it won't work out and I'll be sad and I don't want that" he exhaled softly through his nose and grabbed Jisung's hands, taking them out of his pockets to hold them "I would like to try it out because you've gained my trust even if we indeed don't know each other for that long. But my mom says that time doesn't matter and I agree with her right now because it feels like I've known you for years"

Jisung wanted to cry.

Minho liked him back but the only thing that was stopping him was his fear of them not working out, "How about we go for a few dates first? And then it's your decision if you want to be official or not. Does that sound okay?" the older nodded his head, "Yes, it sound great" he giggled lightly as Jisung pulled him into a quick hug, his arms around Minho's head gently "You should go inside now, Min"

He kisses the top of his head before pulling away, seeing Minho's red face which made him chuckle. The older boy nodded his head and looked back at his house to see if his parents were spying on him. Once he made sure they were completely alone, Minho tagged at Jisung's hoodie to pull him down before kissing his cheek. Then he let him go and ran to the front door, "Goodnight, Sungie!"

Jisung watched him get inside as he brought his hand up to the cheek Minho had just kissed, his lips curling into a big smile "Goodnight, Min"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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