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Closing the door behind him Minho expected to see his mom since his dad was always at work when he came back from school but instead he was greeted by silence

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Closing the door behind him Minho expected to see his mom since his dad was always at work when he came back from school but instead he was greeted by silence. He furrowed his eyebrows as he found it weird, after being used to see his mom around every time he was entering his house. "Maybe she went somewhere.." He shrugged it off quickly and took his shoes off before making his way to the kitchen.

Once again he found it weird that things were a little messy like a few drawers were left open, spoons and forks were out etc. He tidied up and then looked over the fridge where a small neon sticky note caught his attention. It said 'Went by your father's work to drop off food, be back in a bit!'

He recognized his mom's writing and he grabbed the jar with chocolate cookies inside and headed upstairs to his room. He thought he heard a pair of other footsteps coming from his room in front of him but he didn't pay that much attention.

Minho's mom always leaves his bedroom door open for no specific reason, she just does. But he ignored it when he reached the top of the stairs and found the door closed. He guessed his mother just forgot to leave it open. Wrong..

When he opened the door with his free hand as he was holding the jar with his other, he stepped inside the room and just as he was about to walk to his desk he felt two arms around him tightly from behind, one around his own arms which prevented him from using them and one hand over his mouth with a white cloth.

Minho tried his best to make whoever it was let him go but he couldn't. He started to feel sleepy as his sight got blurred and black dots appeared, soon his consciousness left him. The last thing he could hear was the glass breaking after the jar fell from his hand..


Jisung arrived home and went straight to his bedroom, texting a quick message to his boyfriend before grabbing his for-the-house clothes and walked to the bathroom for a shower. It took him around longer than 10 minutes and he hoped Minho didn't have to wait for that long. He dressed up and jumped on the bed, his phone in hand as he unlocked it.

Minho hadn't texted back.

Surprised, Jisung messaged him again telling him to call him when he was able to and waited to see if there was going to be a reply. But there was none. He wanted to send another text but figured that Minho was either studying or was just busy doing something else. So he decided to take a nap during that.

Hours passed and Jisung was awake by his phone ringing. He quickly grabbed it, assuming it was Minho but to his confusion it was his mom instead. He picked it up and pressed the phone to his ear, "Hello Mrs. Lee, how are you?" he tried not to sound as sleepy as he still was

"I'm fine, Jisung dear, how about you?"

"I am doing just fine. Is there something I could help you with?" he sat up properly, his back resting against the headboard as he rubbed the sleep off of his eyes

"No, no, I just wanted you to tell Minho to come home tonight because his dad had promised him to watch his favorite show together but he forgot his phone here so I couldn't call him. I hope I didn't interrupt anything important" she joked with a light chuckle and Jisung would laugh but at that moment he didn't.

Confusion was the only obvious thing written on his face while he responded to her, "I thought Minho was home? He's not with me, Mrs. Lee" when he said that, the woman's laugh slowly stopped and the tone of her voice became a worried one, "He isn't with you?" she asked to make sure she heard right and when Jisung told her the same thing again she froze.

"Do you want me to call some of our friends to ask if he's with them?"

"Please, honey and inform me later, okay?"

Jisung said okay and goodbye before hanging up, immediately dialing Felix's number, "Pick up, pick up, pick up" he whispered to no one in particular and heard the other boy's voice through the phone "Hey Ji, what's up?"

"Felix, is Minho with you?" he hoped he would get a positive answer but his anxiety grew even more when his friend responded "No, I'm with Hyunjin, why? Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"No, he was supposed to be home but I haven't talked with him since I dropped him off. I texted and he never answered so I thought he was busy but his mom told me he hasn't been home for hours and he left his phone and we don't know where he is-"

"Hey! Calm down, Jisung, we won't find him if you freak out" Jisung could hear Hyunjin's voice from behind asking if everything was okay. "What if he's with Chan hyung and the other three?"

"No, there's no way, they have a double date today Minho wouldn't go uninvited" Jisung ran his hand through his hair in frustration, not knowing what to do "I'm not okay right now Lix, I'm going to go insane if by any chance Minho is-"

He was cut off from Felix's deep voice "Hey, hey, no need to panic. I told Hyunjin to text Chan hyung and he'll tell us if they have seen him around, Ji. Don't think like that" he tried to comfort the boy but Felix knew how bad Jisung's anxiety could get, especially when he was about to freak out. No words could help.

"They haven't seen him anywhere" Hyunjin's words made Jisung's heart stop beating and his eyes were wide open..

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I thought some people found my story a bit boring because there was no drama and all that so here's a little twist

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