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The three boys were practicing really hard those 3 days there were left and they had managed to master the choreography Minho had made. And they had to admit they really liked it. Of course, they added small details themselves to match their dancing style.

Minho hadn't talked or texted Jisung for hours since everytime they would leave from school they would go straight to the studio to practise (with small breaks in between to either eat or rest). The younger missed his boyfriend but he understood he was working hard for the competition..


The day of the competition had arrived and Minho's anxiety had started acting up. He always felt very nervous when it came to either exams, tests or competitions. He just couldn't control it. And whenever he felt that anxious he wasn't able to eat anything. Couldn't even take a bite. But he managed to keep it a secret from his parents because if they knew they would make him eat even if he didn't want to.

He did the mistake to not eat today either and before the competition the boys were in the studio, rehearsing their dance when he suddenly felt dizzy. Fortunately the music came to a stop so they could rest for a little before leaving. Minho sat down on the cold floor and closed his eyes, feeling better for the moment.

Felix sat down next to him and passed him his water bottle, looking rather concerned "Are you okay, hyung? You seem more tired than ever today" he opened his own bottle and took a few sips, Minho doing the same. Swallowing so he could speak, "I'm good, just stressed about the choreography.. What if it's not good enough or worthy to win?"

Hyunjin heard what the older said and he rushed to comfort him, remembering what Jisung had told him about the previous day..

"Can you just watch over him for me? He might look confident now but he's gonna doubt himself and the dance tomorrow"

Oh how right Jisung was. Hyunjin looked at Felix and raised his brows while glancing at Minho, whose gaze was on the floor, as a sign to light up his mood "Minho hyung, what you just said is clear bullshit" he received a glare from the older so he quickly apologized, rubbing his neck "I-I mean.. You don't have to worry about the dance you created"

Felix placed a hand on his shoulder "Yeah, it's amazing! I'm sure we'll win this" he offered one of his brightest smiles which seemed to help because Minho let out a chuckle and clapped his hands, standing up "Let's go win then"

Everything was going to be just fine.

Or not?


The three boys were currently backstage while other dance teams were on stage. Their dance teacher and Minho's dad were with them giving them a pep talk before they had to go on stage. It suddenly hit Minho that his parents were going to watch so he pulled his dad to the side for a second, "Um.. Dad I will have to politely ask you to not watch this one because it is a bit embarrassing if you do-"

"Nonsense! Of course I'm gonna watch you and your friends win that's mainly why I came here" his dad pointed out as he placed his hands on his hips with a proud face "Why don't you want me to watch? Are you insecure again? Come on son, everyone knows how great you are-"

"It's kind of a sexy dance" Minho quickly whispered to him before pressing his lips into a line, not knowing how his father was gonna react. He noticed his dad had become quiet until a loud weird laugh came out of his mouth, scaring whoever was near them. Minho facepalmed "Dad please stop, people are looking"

Took him a few tries to stop him but eventually his dad quiet down. He then wiggled his brows at his son who had a done expression on his face, "That face you make reminds me of your mother. But fine, I'll tell her we'll wait outside. Though we're going to see you anyway because it's gonna be filmed"

Minho exhaled and adjusted his clothes nervously "That's fine. Just stay out of the ro-"

"Hold up young man!" he whisper-yelled at him, making Minho flinch at his sudden action. He watched as his dad placed his hands on his shoulder and with a smirk he said "Is your boyfriend here to watch you?"

Minho blinked twice as red color was hinted on his face before he looked down to hide his face "Shit.." he thought to himself as he had completely forgot that Jisung would also watch it. He was sure he would like it but he suddenly felt shy. He was about to say something but they heard people clapping so that meant they were next.

The three dancers got on stage and took their positions, waiting for the music to start..

During the performance Jisung's eyes couldn't leave Minho's figure. He knew that there were his two friends dancing as well but could you blame him? His cute and little boyfriend had turned into a smoking hot guy. It was like a completely different person but he was impressed.

Once the boys were done, everyone was clapping (Jisung possibly being the loudest) while the boys remained on their final poses. Jisung had a big proud smile on his face but it slowly dropped when he saw Minho stumbling a bit on his way backstage.
So he quickly made his way there, feeling really worried for him.

When he got in there he saw Hyunjin and Felix supporting his boyfriend who was almost as pale as a ghost. He looked terrible. He rushed towards them and cupped Minho's face gently to make him look up at him but Minho only looked down again.

"What's wrong?" he asked the other couple who also looked very concerned for their friend "We don't know, he said he felt dizzy and needed support" Hyunjin said and Felix added "Ji, he looked tired during rehearsal as well"

Jisung heard Minho murmur something so he leaned down to be face to face "Min, love, what's wrong??" he questioned but when he got no answer, he stood straight up. Minho tried to reach for him, wanting to be in his arms. He felt awful, his head was spinning and his sight was getting blury with black spots. He didn't know what exactly was happening but it scared him.

"Sung.. I don't feel so good" he muttered and he stood up properly, letting go of Hyunjin and Felix to go to his boyfriend. They boys were watching him carefully. But just as he was about to take a step forward, Minho's legs gave up and the boy fell to the floor, slipping out of consciousness.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Just pretend that the boys are not the ones singing taste.

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