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Minho opened the small door that let outside on the roof and Jisung closed it after both of them were out

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Minho opened the small door that let outside on the roof and Jisung closed it after both of them were out. He then pulled Minho into his arms and started placing kisses in every part of his face he was able to do, smiling as he heard the other giggle "Sungiee, stop~"

Jisung pecked his lips for a good 10 seconds and pulled away with a 'mwah' sound, "Fine, fine. Let's sit down now, we have time until the bell rings again"

As they were about to sit down, they heard the door open behind them so they turned around only to come face to face with two figures. To Jisung they were strangers, but Minho knew them very well. That's why when he saw them he froze in his place, holding Jisung's sleeve as he tried to hide himself from them.

"Well, well, what do we have here" one of them said while smirking at the couple. Jisung furrowed his brows and looked down at him, since both of them were shorter than him almost at Minho's height.

"Uhh, do we know you?"

"You, no. Your boyfriend does" the other one replied as he pointed at Minho with his head who was shaking in fear at this point. Jisung glanced over his shoulder at Minho's scared figure before looking back at the other two "Okay..? And what do you want with him?" his protective mode started showing but it didn't help the smaller calm down.

"Oh we don't want him. We wanted to inform you about him. If you guys are dating then he clearly hasn't told you the whole truth about himself and lying in a relationship isn't a good thing, ya know"

Jisung was beyond confused with what happening right now. Who were those guys? How do they know Minho and why do they say he's lying to him? He wanted an explaination and Minho was the only person in present whom he trusted.

"Minho?" he turned around and faced Minho properly, frowning at how the smaller boy was on the verge of crying "What is he talking about?" Minho just shook his head and tried his best to hold his tears back, not wanting the other two to see him cry. If this continued, Jisung was going to hate him. He was sure of it.

"Come on, Minho. Stop hiding and just say it. Don't lie like you did to us!" he raised his voice and took a step forward but froze in place when Jisung glared at him. He was intimidated by him so even if he wanted to do something he knew Jisung could beat the shit out of him.
However, that didn't stop the other guy from keep talking..

"Han Jisung, right?"

The taller boy narrowed his eyes at him, curiously "And how do you know?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that your own boyfriend whom you seem to love soo much has been lying to your face all this time and you probably don't even know it" Jisung kept an unreadable expression on while Minho was quietly whimpering behind his boyfriend's body which was covering most of him "Haven't you noticed how he's acting like a fucking 5 year old most of the time when in reality he's 18? He gets all whiny and acts cute and other times he's 'mature' and a smartass? I bet when you two are alone it's like you're babying him. Annoying right? Imagine being younger and being forced to take care of a sensitive little kid"

"What are you saying-"

"He's fucking sick! That's what he's saying. Sick in his mind! And he hid that from us as well, that's why we pushed him away. We couldn't stand him anymore. And if you stay with him for longer you'll see that too"

Before Jisung was able to say anything back, he felt his body being pushed and saw his boyfriend ran through the door as fast as he could. Jisung swore he could hear him sobbing before he was out of sight "Minho!"

He went after him but stopped on his tracks just before running past the door when he heard the other two laugh. He was mad. How could they do this to the sweetest person he knew? To his boyfriend? They wouldn't get away with it. He made his way to them and pushed both of them against the wall, holding them up by their shirts "If I ever see you two near this school, me or my boyfriend again.. I will kill you with my own fucking hands. And that's a promise." he growled.

He wanted to laugh at their stupid scared faces but his rage was above his entertainment. He dropped them and then ran after Minho, letting the other two piss their pants peacefully.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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