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When Minho woke up he was in the hospital, trying to remember what happened

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When Minho woke up he was in the hospital, trying to remember what happened. Oh right. He collapsed because he hadn't eaten anything. He blinked his eyes open halfway and noticed his boyfriend sitting on a chair next to his bed. He was holding his hand as he played with his fingers, having a worried look on his face.

Minho held Jisung's hand back and watched as the younger's eyes widened when he saw him awake. After he realized it, Jisung exhaled and moved his one of his hands to run his fingers through Minho's hair lightly "You scared me, you know that? You scared all of us"

"I'm sorry.." Minho felt bad. He didn't mean to scare or worry them but he did anyway. Thankfully he didn't injure himself when he fell down. He tried sitting up but Jisung pushed him back down gently from his shoulders "Doctor said you should rest for today and you can leave tomorrow. Also your parents, Felix and Hyunjin had to leave because the nurses said only one person could stay"

Minho nodded and reached for Jisung's hand again, wanting to feel his warmth "Can you lay with me?" he mumbled and Jisung nodded before helping Minho scoot over so he could get on the bed as well. When he did, he wrapped his arm around Minho's figure and pulled him closer to his body as Minho rested his head on Jisung's neck.

"Why didn't you eat, Min?"

The older closed his eyes, knowing he was gonna ask that. Of course they would find out. "I was nervous for today and when I'm nervous I can't eat because I feel like I'm gonna throw up the second I swallow" he explained and felt Jisung's lips on his forehead "I understand, but dancing without eating something first can lead you here. And we don't want that, do we?"

The smaller shook his head and buried his face in Jisung's neck, liking his comforting scent "By the way while we were waiting outside your dance teacher called your dad and guess what" Minho raised his brows at him as if asking 'what' and Jisung smiled "You won the competition"

Minho pulled away just enough to look at Jisung properly "Really??" a small smile made its way to Minho's lips when Jisung nodded his head and leaned in to peck his lips "I knew you guys would win. Your performance was amazing" he booped his boyfriend's nose with his index finger and pulled him back down on his body "Also I didn't know you could be that sexy, baby, you should dance only for me one day" he smirked which made Minho slap him on the chest

"Shut up" Minho buried his face in the crook of his neck to hide, feeling shy. Jisung laughed and ruffled his boyfriend's hair "I love you too my talented baby" they cuddled each other as Minho told Jisung to take a nap together, the younger agreeing since he was a bit tired himself.


The next morning Minho was able to leave the hospital and had called his mom to pick them up and bring comfortable clothes for him. During the drive back home his mom lectured him, telling him what he did wasn't okay and how worried everyone was. But when she saw how sad and guilty her son was looking while he was clinging on Jisung's side on the backseat, she knew that he truly didn't mean to do that.

She hummed before offering a soft smile at the two boys from the rear view mirror "Why don't you two go out for breakfast? I have so much work today I won't be able to cook for you and your dad's not home" she suggested and listened to the boys talking about it. In the end they agreed and Jisung asked her if she could drop them at his house instead. When they arrived at Jisung's house, Minho's mom was about to hand them some money but the taller boy stopped her "I will treat him, Mrs Lee don't worry"

"Are you sure dear? It's no problem for me to give you money, don't you want to save yours for yourself?" she tilted her head as she questioned but Jisung waved his free hand while holding Minho's with the other "Yes, I'm completely sure. Thank you for the ride again!" he bowed at her before standing up straight

They turned around and started to walk to the front door, still holding hands "Jisung why don't I ever pay for you? I mean, you've let me pay for myself but you never let me treat you something" Minho asked as he followed his boyfriend inside, kicking their shoes off.

They went to Jisung's room and Minho sat on his bed and watched while Jisung was picking an outfit "Cause I like spoiling you, Min, I've said that before. If I have the chance to buy something for you I will do it"

He started to get changed and told Minho that he doesn't have to turn around since they've seen each other naked more than once.. "Are you okay with your outfit? Or do you want to wear something mine?"

Minho waved his hands, telling him that he was fine with what he was wearing before getting back to the topic "Don't you find it annoying though? Wasting your money on me most of the time?" he started swinging his legs while he fiddled with his fingers. Jisung glanced at him and sighed before walking over to him. He cupped his cheeks with his hand and kissed his lips sweetly the older kissing back with no hesitation.

Once the kiss broke, Jisung caressed Minho's cheeks with his thumb "Stop overthinking, Minho. I said I like it" he flicked his forehead before moving away to grab the stuff he needed while Minho pouted and rubbed the place Jisung had flicked. After getting ready, the couple exited the house and Jisung held his hand out for Minho who immediately took it and intertwined their fingers, "Where are we going?"

Jisung's lips curled into a smile as he squeezed his hand "We're going to the place we first went out"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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