Chapter 10

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(Bold + Italics = Black Arms Language)

Back with the freedom fighters…

Knuckles frowned, staring at the navy chameleon who had willingly sat in the cell provided by the chaotix and not moved for hours. He knew Espio could meditate for a long time but to not move for three days or ask anything was confusing the echidna. They were on Angel Island after a spotted sighting with Eggman trying to steal the master emerald had them on edge.

"Still not moved?" Rouge appeared by her partner's side, Knuckles could only shake his head. A rule had been made Espio wasn't allowed anyway near the navy chameleon according to Mighty and Knuckles so Vector and Charmy were in charge of finding out information. Which to be honest they weren't doing a bad job at. 

A startled gasp left the navy chameleon's mouth making Rouge jump, the bat wasn't expecting it. The navy chameleon then looked in their direction only to slump to the side and his body started to seize.

"Damn! Rouge grab Espio!" Knuckles shouted opening the cage only to lose his breath as a hand grabbed his neck but it wasn't the one he thought it was. Instead it was Infinite who threw the guardian far back so his body slammed off the master emerald. 

Infinite then stalked in the cage as Arlo backed up into the wall, leaving about two feet in between them. The jackal created a ball of energy which made Arlo gasp as his own body started to drain. He was dying all over again and this time Mephiles wasn't nearby, he was sure the black and grey hedgehog felt his pain as he was succumbing to darkness. As soon as the pain appeared it disappeared, he opened his eyes only to gasp at who stood in front of him. 

Espio! The purple chameleon glared at Infinite who only roared in anger, as Espio kicked him back away from the two chameleons straight out the cage door into Knuckle's fist. The jackal fell to the ground as Espio turned to face Arlo only to gasp. Half of the energy was gone and the navy chameleon only clung on tightly to it. 

"Esp, I'm sorry. The plan is going to fail…tell Mephiles…I'm….wait what…are…you…doing?!" Espio ignored Arlo as he created a ball of pure chaos energy. Very few mobians had mastered this technique, one being Shadow the hedgehog, the other well time will show. Arlo watched as wisps left Espio's chest almost like the time Mephiles and he tortured the chameleon who had forgiven him for that even if Arlo still felt guilty.

"Espio! What are you doing?! Get away from him!" Mighty roared moving to grab his partner when Violet suddenly appeared in front of him, "Father leave him! He knows what he is doing!" She shouted in anger, shocking the rest of them. 

Just as Espio's energy connected with Arlo's chest, Infinite scrambled for a portal as something else happened across the realms…

Back with Sonic and Shadow…

A wave of darkness like no other flew in every direction, one particular individual felt pain spread through their chest as time was running out. Arlo was dying, Mephiles cried out falling to his knees confusing all the jackals in the room who looked at their prisoner with mixed expressions. 

"Aha! It seems our brother is finally winning, fear not Mephiles the Dark. Your time will come soon but for now let the pain come and your mind will succumb fully to the darkness" a torturous voice broke through Mephiles pain, he gritted his teeth ignoring the laughing jackals as he urged his rival to hurry up. He sent a very violent message to the ultimate lifeform. There was only so much time Mephiles could keep Shadows crystal hidden from all eyes and he was losing it via Arlo.


Rocks the echidna was leading them through several portals and they had finally reached the one of the Mystic Caves when Shadow's eyes burst open and they glowed purple. Sonic gasped when Shadow moved out of his arms only to throw up to the side of them. Black blood caked his lips as Sonic rubbed his back. Rocks and Trails gasped trying to help in their own way, both of them had come along despite Sonic saying it was maybe a one way ticket. Both of them ignored him and explained it was time they stopped hiding. 

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