Chapter 14

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(Bold in this chapter is the secret language of the Shinobi Clan)

He was in agony but he had to keep going, he was aware of Infinite being on his trail. At first he thought his mind was just playing games with him but after a burst of power sent him running granted him to the danger that was closely following him. Hiding was his favourite thing to do and it helped him stay away from so-called family members who wanted him. 

"Thought I'd find you here" 

Shadow's voice startled him out of the tree he was hiding in, thankfully the ebony hedgehog caught him before he could fall. 

"Thanks Shadow"

The Ultimate Lifeform could only nod as he teleported the two far away from the willow tree, in a more disclosed place.

"You didn't have to," Espio said as pain radiated through his lower half. Looking around Espio couldn't help but smile at Shadow who rubbed his back just as the door opened revealing Silas who was startled to see the two. 

"You have returned quicker than I expected you to my nephew. Is everything alright?" Silas asked, coming to kneel besides the two. "Labour pains. It seems I misjudged my miscarriage" Espio explained through gritted teeth. "What do you need?" Silas asked, ignoring Shadow who remained silent by his brother's side. 

"As much as I don't want to admit it but I need Mighty" Espio whispered as another pain shot through him. Silas nodded, "Do you need to return to Emerald Hills or would you like me to go and get the armadillo?" Silas asked, ignoring Shadows' raised eyebrow. 

"Shadow?, Please" Espio turned to the ultimate lifeform who nodded, scooping Espio into his arms and disappearing a streak of green. Silas shook his head knowing the ultimate lifeform would make sure the prince returned safely. Until someone wrapped a right hand around his throat causing mayhem for the Shinobi Clan as an intruder had broken in.

Mighty was extremely worried, the freedom fighters had looked everywhere. Espio was gone. Knuckles hadn't moved from Angel Island claiming Espio would reappear when it was needed. Taking his anger out on a nearby tree, Mighty gasped when right in front of them all a streak of green flashed in front of them all. 

Knuckles reached out with chaos energy as the green teleportation streak struggled to maintain its structure.

"Sonic!" Knuckles shouted earning the speedsters attention, "Move away from the master emerald, I think something's wrong with Shadow!" Knuckles explained as they all turned to the green streak to see Shadows faint outline, the ultimate Lifeform was struggling to maintain his streak. 

Mighty reached forward taking the flickering Espio from Shadows hold, once Espio was safe in his arms. All of them watched as Shadow curled in on himself and a mild explosion happened. A blinding light like no other spread across Angel Island as the master emerald reacted, sending a power like no other to the side of them. A mountain exploded in the distance due to the excessive amount of power. Dash cried out hugging Silver who shared a look with Shade who held her head in pain. Sonic looked over at his children trying to ease the chaos pressure on himself by stepping in front of them.

Once the light died down all attention turned to an exhausted confused hedgehog. Shadow was in a kneeling position looking at his hands in shock, "What the hell was that?!" Rouge shouted coming to stand beside the grumpy hedgehog who could only stare at his hands. The inhibitor rings were glowing half gold half silver. He was utterly confused. "I don't know, all I did was teleport and…" Shadow cut himself off as Espio let out a cry of pain.

All attention shifted from Shadow to Espio who was panting in Mighty's arms, the purple chameleon had his eyes closed tightly as he moved away from them all. He kept flickering from being seen to vanishing. 

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